Prestashop Mobile App builder
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Prestashop Mobile App builder

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  • 1,085.31zł
  • 868.25zł

* Platform:

Compatibility: Prestashop v1.6.x.x - v8.1.x
Latest Version: v6.0.0 (29-August-2024)
Updates available for 1 year Sales: 10000+
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Recent Version Updates

Add To Cart on Home Screen

The PrestaShop Mobile App Maker comes with inbuilt “Add To Cart” button for products on home screen of Android & iOS app. Now, the users need not to go to product screen to add it into the cart. Just tapping “Add To Cart” button will do the task seamlessly.

Add To Cart on Category Screen

The PrestaShop Mobile App Creator offers “Add To Cart” button for products on category screen as well. The mobile app shoppers can simple browse by scrolling the screen and keep on adding products to cart with ease

Product Reviews

User reviews for products have always been a great tool to improve sales in eCommerce. Our PrestaShop Mobile App Builder has brought the reviews on mobile app as well by compatibility with PrestaShop Comments Module. The users get to post reviews on website and same will be reflected on the app automatically. Also, the reviews can be viewed and posted from mobile app as well.

Related Products

The PrestaShop Mobile App Creator is now compatible with our Automatic Related Products module. As a result, the related products on the website will also be there on the product screen of mobile app automatically. This feature will enhance the cross selling through your apps.

Previous Updates

Search Via Image

The PrestaShop Mobile App Builder is also compatible with Image Search plugin. It means the users can search for products via uploading product image via gallery or camera. Find all similar search results to uploaded image in the app.

Deep Linking

Deep linking in PrestaShop Mobile Appredirects the online shoppers straight to the relevant mobile app screen automatically. Send users to specific content in the app via product link instead of opening website on browser.

GDPR Compliance

The Prestashop Mobile App Builder is now GDPR compliant. The mobile apps will keep a check on all the user rights. The native Android and iOS app will offer complete control to users over their personal information.

Extra Customization

Our PrestaShop Mobile App Builder is open to all sorts of extra functionalities/modules integration. Add more features to your Android and iOS app and offer a prominent online shopping medium to mobile users. Explore our best customization work from here

Customizable Home Screen Layout

Custom Color & Font Change

The PrestaShop Mobile App Builder allows you to change the app color & fonts from the module backend. Choose desired theme color, background color, button color, font of your PrestaShop Mobile App & enhance it’s look & feel in run time. The color contrast has its own importance while designing an eCommerce Mobile Application.

Flexible Home Screen

Let the home screen of your app speak for itself. The PrestaShop Mobile App Builder provides a fully customizable home screen in mobile apps with the help of multiple attributes. The store owners can easily highlight their store products on the home screen and grab user attention with different theme based layouts. Different occasion or event-based layouts like Christmas, Easter etc. can be saved in the backend and used whenever required. Following attributes are available:

  • Top Categories
  • Banners - Square, Sliding, Grid
  • Products - Square, Sliding, Grid
  • Countdown Timer Banner
  • Recently Viewed Products 

The positioning of all the attributes can be easily changed with just drag and drop functionality.

Brand Promotion

Let your app shout out your brand as well. KnowBand’s PrestaShop Mobile App Builder takes a step ahead in mobile app branding strategies. The mobile apps created with this Mobile App Maker for PrestaShop allows you to showcase the logo of your store on the header of the app. It will strengthen your brand loyalty among worldwide mobile shoppers. 

Customizable Tab Bar

Customize & showcase the Tab Bar on your PrestaShop Mobile App & allow your users to switch among the screens easily. You can set icons & landing page of tab bar items from module backend. Add a Tab Bar in your app & make product browsing more seamless.  

Countdown Sale Timer

Want to offer flash sale for your app users? PrestaShop Mobile App comes with time based banner (Countdown timer banner) which lets you offer a flash sale on your app. The timer and color choices are fixed from the module backend along with the banner image. The banner will only be displayed until the entered time. Thus, offering real time banner could increase the urgency and sales of your store. 

User Friendly Interface

Quick Login Options

A right mobile app login screen could be the reason to increase traffic on your app and ultimately sales. In this era of social networks, our PrestaShop Mobile App Maker offers following quick and robust social login options:

  • Google Login 
  • Facebook Login

This allows the app users to easily login win one-tap with their social media account credentials.

OTP & Fingerprint

Ease and secure your app login process with two more advanced authentication techniques:

  • OTP Authentication (Phone Number Login)
  • Fingerprint Login

Add To Cart Navigation

The PrestaShop eCommerce Mobile App lets you control the navigation of the ‘Add To Cart’ button displayed on the product screen. You can either send the users to the cart or keep them on the product page just by toggling a button in the backend. This even enhances the chances for additional browsing.

Multi-lingual and RTL Support

The Prestashop Mobile App Maker module supports various languages in the mobile apps along with RTL writing styles. The store admin can display the app in any desired language and target worldwide mobile shoppers. The PrestaShop Mobile Apps even support RTL compatible languages like Hebrew, Arabic etc.

Smooth Shopping Experience

Multiple Payment Options

The PrestaShop Mobile App Builder extension allows you to have reliable and secure payment options in your app. The Mobile App Maker for Prestashop stores provides PayPal and COD payment method by default and even supports all sorts of website payment methods on the mobile app as well.

Various Shipping Options

Multiple shipping methods running on your web-store like FedEx, Store Pickup, USPS etc. are automatically supported on the mobile apps built with Prestashop Mobile App Builder. This makes the seller-buyer trading effortless. 

Custom Payment method

Along with multiple sorts of payment support, the Prestashop Mobile App Builder module allows the store owners to add any other native payment method over a fair amount of fee like - 

  • Stripe
  • Braintree
  • World Pay
  • Apple Pay 
  • Amazon Pay and many more

One-page Checkout

The Prestashop eCommerce Mobile App Builder provides a simplified checkout screen in the mobile apps which makes the order submission easy for the users. This also helps in reducing the cart abandonment rate and plays a role in enhancing sales as well. The simpler checkout approach even compels the users to make the successful product purchase. 

Multiple Promotion Options

Unlimited Push Notifications

Push notifications feature in PrestaShop Mobile App can be the game changer for your business. The PrestaShop Mobile App Maker provides unlimited push notification for easy product marketing and promotion. The PrestaShop Mobile App Maker offers the following push notifications: 

  • Order Creation Notification
  • Order Status Update Notification 
  • Manual Notification

Product Social Sharing

The PrestaShop Mobile App Creator provides the social sharing option on the product page screen of the app. The mobile app visitors can easily share your store products among various social networks. You can easily bring loads of potential users to your store with this feature.

Coupons/vouchers Support

All sorts of coupons and vouchers running on your Prestashop web-store are supported on the eCommerce mobile app. The PrestaShop Mobile App Creator offers mobile coupons to the users to offer discounts and coupons in a better way.

Gamified Email Subscription Popup

The PrestaShop Mobile App Builder plugin allows the store owners to display a gamified interface on the app users. A spin-wheel pop-up is displayed on the mobile app home screen allowing the users to get various offers and deals. This pop-up wheel functionality can be added with Knowband's Spin and Win module in the backend.

Easy Inventory Management

Real-time Synchronization

The PrestaShop Mobile App Creator for Android and iOS form a reliable connection between your store and the mobile apps. Any changes you make on the website are automatically gets reverted on the Android and iOS mobile apps. Thus, perfectly synced PrestaShop mobile apps handles all the burden without any manual synchronization.

Real Time Synchronisation

Automatic Inventory Management

With automatic connectivity between the website and the mobile app, the store admin can manage the large-sized store inventory simultaneously without any manual efforts. All the added products and categories in the store inventory will be updated on the app as well in real-time.

Automatic Inventory Management

Reliable 24*7 Support

Zopim Chat

The PrestaShop Mobile Apps for Android and iOS comes with inbuilt Zopim chat support (aka Zendesk Chat Support) which lets you connect with every user and solve their queries on an immediate basis. The app users can directly ask for any queries from the store admin.

Whatsapp Chat

Just like the Zopim live chat option, WhatsApp chat functionality is also available in the PrestaShop Mobile App for providing user assistance. The users can 24*7 ask their query and resolve without any hassle.

Additional Features

Google Analytics Connect

If you are really looking forward to track the performance objectives and revenue goals, the Prestashop Mobile App Builder brings Google Analytics connectivity in the eCommerce Android and iOS apps. Keep a track of your performance and set new revenue targets for your store.

Google Analytics Connect

Layered Navigation

The Prestashop mobile apps enhance the shopping experience of the users as they make product search seamless with multiple filter and sort options. Multiple categorizations and swipe product functionalities make the product browsing effortless on the apps

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