Magento 2 Social Extensions

The eCommerce industry is booming at a rapid speed. With a lot of features involved in the same, social media plays an important part. From acquiring a simple email id from the visitor to using the same for email marketing, providing quicker checkout process, offering discounts and doing more. Knowband designs and offers Magento Social Extensions that build your website for a smoother customer experience. The Magento extensions provide options for the customers to easily log in to their account or register without filling the lengthy forms. The Magento 2 Social Loginizer and the Magento 2 One Page Checkout extension are the top-selling Magento 2 extensions available at Knowband.

Go and find the Magento extensions described briefly below and choose as well install the one that will ease the shopping experience for your customers.

Magento 2 Social Loginizer 12 in 1

If you are looking forward to increasing your subscribers' list and also provide a quick way to your customers through which they can log in or register (new visitors), the Magento 2 Social Loginizer extension is what would be the perfect fit. The Magento 2 extension is designed for quick login to your Magento 2 store without going through a lengthy registration process. The module chucks out the unnecessary fields from the login page and lets them use any of their social login ids to come aboard the website. It is a powerful tool where the customer can log in from any of the 12 social network platforms including Facebook, Google, Yahoo, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, PayPal, WordPress, Dropbox and many more. Enabling these many options enhances your customer’s satisfaction. The Magento 2 module is easy to install and configure module that can be activated or deactivated from the back-end with a button click.

Magento 2 One Page Checkout

Did you know that about 75% of your customers or visitors abandon the cart? One of the major reasons being long, boring and irritating checkout process. Though there are other reasons for the abandonment, this one tops the list. The Magento 2 One Page Checkout extension by Knowband is a sure shot way to cut down your bounce rate from the checkout page. The module allows you to customize it in a way that the guest customers can also log in from their social networking website and complete their transaction effortlessly. When you invest in the Magento 2 One Page Checkout module by Knowband, you reduce the steps on the checkout page which results in maximum complete orders leading to increased sales and enhanced conversion rate. The checkout design has been optimized to show all steps needed to complete the order on the page for the customer.

Magento 2 One Page Checkout Lite Version

Now you can enjoy more sales and decrease abandoned carts without paying even a penny with the Magento 2 One Page Checkout Lite Version extension. The module helps you customize your checkout page and eliminate the unneeded steps from the checkout page that boosts the customer motivation while placing the order.

Find the social extensions for the Magento 2 store from Knowband.

Magento ® Social Networks extensions

Social Loginizer 12 in 1 - Magento 2 ® Extensions Social Loginizer 12 in 1 - Magento 2 ® Extensions
20% off

Social Loginizer 12 in 1 - Magento 2 ® Extensions

$63.99 $79.99

Facebook Share and Win Discount - Magento 2 ® Extensions Facebook Share and Win Discount - Magento 2 ® Extensions
20% off

Facebook Share and Win Discount - Magento 2 ® Extensions

$55.20 $69.00

Instagram Shop Gallery - Magento 2 ® Extensions Instagram Shop Gallery - Magento 2 ® Extensions
20% off

Instagram Shop Gallery - Magento 2 ® Extensions

$39.99 $49.99

One Page Checkout Lite version - Magento 2 ® Extensions


Coming Soon
One Page Checkout - Magento 2 ® Extensions One Page Checkout - Magento 2 ® Extensions
20% off

One Page Checkout - Magento 2 ® Extensions

$59.99 $74.99

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