SEO Wizard - Prestashop Addons
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SEO Wizard - Prestashop Addons

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  • $49.99
  • $39.99

Compatibility: Prestashop v1.6.x.x - v1.7.x.x
Latest Version: v1.0.8 (02-Oct-2022)
Sales: 100+


Prestashop SEO Wizard Addon

Business purposes of the eCommerce sites can be achieved only if the website is visible to the target audience. The boost in the position of the website in the Google's SERP can bring instant traffic and give excellent results in terms of conversions. The Prestashop eCommerce stores much of their budget on SEO. The Prestashop SEO wizard addon makes the basic techniques of SEO a matter of moment for the store owners. The Prestashop SEO expert extension reduces the time consumed in site mapping and interlinking by automating the entire process.

Keeping a track on the interlinks of the website as well as the sitemap of the various web pages of the site is the biggest issue probably faced by every e-marketer. The Prestashop module promises to take the burden off your shoulder. With effortless sitemap creation and link building, you can now make your eCommerce store rank high in the Google’s SERP.


Prestashop SEO Wizard addon provides various techniques to undergo the varied aspects of search engine optimization. Some of the features offered by the Prestashop module are mentioned below:

  • The Prestashop SEO wizard extension offers optimization options in four different web page types, that is, product, category, CMS and manufacturers. The admin can make the changes in any of the desired pages.
  • The Prestashop Prestashop XML file creation Extension creates sitemap.xml files for the various pages at a button click. All the admin needs to do is to select the pages for which he wants to create the sitemap.
  • The site mapping can be done in different languages. The admin can select the language as required.
  • In addition, the admin can even set the frequency of Sitemap crawling as per their need.
  • Even the priority of the web pages can be set from the back-end of the admin panel.
  • This Prestashop SEO expert addon allows the e-merchant can include the images in the sitemap.xml file of the product pages if they want to. The SEO booster enables the image crawling only at a button toggle.
  • The interlinking is the key for the index of all the pages of the website. The Prestashop SEO Wizard addon makes this task easier as well. The admin can add the link on the targeted keywords of the entire site in one go. The URL links and the keyword are to be added to the back-end and the changes will be incorporated in the front-end.
  • The keyword for the interlinking is searched in the short or long description of the products.
  • The created interlinks can be edited or deleted any time from the admin interface. You can now change the URL of any web page without the fear of 404 redirections. The changes can be incorporated in the entire site in a matter of moment.
  • The Prestashop addon allows you to create N number of keywords along with the links in the various groups including product, manufacturer, categories or CMS pages. You can even create a duplicate copy of the keywords and links.
  • Even the meta tags, that is, Meta title, description and keywords of the products, manufacturer, and categories can be fixed in a few simple steps.
  • This Prestashop SEO wizard extesnion enables the e-merchant to add the nofollow or dofollow links as per their requirement.
  • The functionality of opening the link in a new tab can be added without making any code changes on the website.
  • The Prestashop extension offers multi-lingual support. Hence, you can now become an SEO expert regardless of the website’s language. The module supports multiple languages and the sitemap creation and keyword targeting can be done in varied languages.
  • The Prestashop SEO module is compatible with multiple stores. The admin can select the store in which he is looking to make the changes.

Benefits of Admin

  • Automatically attaches the link in the keyword, thus, saving a lot of time of the e-merchants.
  • Including the meta tags in each page is the most time-consuming work in SEO. The module automates the entire process and boosts the efficiency.
  • The Prestashop SEO wizard addon improves the visibility for each language of your store. Thus, it is an effortless way to increase the traffic and enhance the conversions.
  • Generate the sitemaps of the various pages in a few button clicks.
  • By setting the frequency of crawling, you can optimize the visibility of the web pages that are important for your site.
  • This Prestashop SEO expert module allows the store owner to even prioritize the various pages in accordance with their need.

Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides Prestashop plugin development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing Prestashop plugin development, we have hired experienced Prestashop developers who work with full dedication to offer Prestashop development and support services. 

If there is a feature you want on your Prestashop store, chances are that a Prestashop plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements.

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