Facebook Loginizer - Magento ® Extensions

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  • Free

Compatibility: Magento v1.7 - 1.9
Latest Version: v0.1 (13-Mar-2017)
Updates available for 1 year Sales: 1000+
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Magento Facebok Loginizer 

Facebook Loginizer is a free plugin that allow your store visitors to register and login using thier facebook account. Today's users are impatient and it is difficult to remember password for each website. Using Facebook credentials for registering and logging in to websites makes life easy for such users.       

How it works?

Create an application for your store at facebook developer website , configure the application according to your store. Get APP ID and SECRET. Install 'FACEBOOK LOGINIZER' in your website and paste the App ID and secret. After this a Login strip will be added to login page, checkout page and registration page. 
See informatics below for reference:
Screen 1: Login strip will be display either left or right
Screen 2: When user click on login strip, he/she will be redirect to facebook login page.
Screen 3: After logging in facebook account, the user will promt to allow access for data like email id. 
Screen 4: When user approve the app to access data the user will redirect to Your store as a signed in customer.

Reasons to buy Facebook Loginizer:

1    Easy to install and configure. 
2    Facebook , the most popular social networking website used by almost every netizen which turns a visitor into customer by just one click.     
3    Compatible with Magento 1.7,1.8,1.9.    
4    Simple Admin user interface and configuration options.    
5    Easy customization option for Facebook login strip.    
6    Compatible with all popular browsers.    
7    Doesnot conflict with another extension.
8    Free User Manual.
9    Fanatical support from our experts. 

Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides Magento plugin development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing Magento plugin development, we have hired experienced Magento developers who work with full dedication to offer Magento development and support services. 

If there is a feature you want on your Magento site, chances are that a Magento plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements.

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