Magento Discount and Promotions Extensions

This comes as no surprise that the entire eCommerce industry has grown because of a few factors out of which sales and discounts are one of the major reasons. The customers get attracted to the websites which provide genuine products and offer them discounts as well. This is when the Magento Discount extensions come into the picture. On the other hand, going hand in hand with the discounts, if you lack promoting your brand, store or the products well, you would not be able to reach the potential that your business actually has. In order to do that, Magento Promotion extensions are right there to help you out. The Magento discount and promotion extensions work towards boosting your sales and taking your brand to a level where customers consider you.

Find out the discount and promotions extensions for Magento store owners offered Knowband below.

Magento Spin and Win (Email Subscription Popup)

Now you can provide your customers with a Gamified technique that encourages them to click the spinning wheel on the homepage and win attractive discounts. The Spin and Win module allow the customers to spin the wheel and win discounts after providing their email address. This way, the admin can use the email id to send the coupon notification and use it later for promoting the products and sending offers.

Some of the interesting features of the Magento module include:

Magento Scratch Coupon Extension

When you stay up-to-date with the trends in the eCommerce industry, you know how your customers would react to your techniques. One of the most popular interactive interfaces that you should be laying your hands on for your Magento store is the Scratch Coupon technique. The Magento Scratch Coupon extension by Knowband lets the customers scratch the coupon displayed on the screen with their mouse header and win amazing discounts. In return to apply that coupon code, they just have to feed in their email id and use it as soon as the email is received. Another way to customer engagement through something that customers would love to do, this Magento module is designed with the following features:

Magento Exit Popup Extension

Do you think that the customer leaves the website without converting or spending enough time? You can install the Magento Exit Popup module to give them a choice to think again and utilize their time with the help of a discount coupon. The smart solution reduces the bounce rate of your website and motivates the customers to come back for another purchase with the discount coupon. The moment the cursor heads to the close the button, the subscription pop-up displays giving a second thought to the customers.

The features of the module include:

So, invest in the discount and promotion modules by Knowband is you really want to take your Magento store towards increased revenues and sales. Find out more Magento extensions at

Magento ® Discount and promotions extensions

Abandoned Cart - Magento ® Extensions Abandoned Cart - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Abandoned Cart - Magento ® Extensions

$59.99 $74.99

Spin and Win - Magento ® Extensions Spin and Win - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Spin and Win - Magento ® Extensions

$31.99 $39.99

Gift Card Manager - Magento ® Extensions Gift Card Manager - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Gift Card Manager - Magento ® Extensions

$39.99 $49.99

Exit popup - Magento ® Extensions Exit popup - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Exit popup - Magento ® Extensions

$55.99 $69.99

Automatic Related Products - Magento ® Extensions Automatic Related Products - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Automatic Related Products - Magento ® Extensions

$55.99 $69.99

Review Reminder and Incentives - Magento ® Extensions Review Reminder and Incentives - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Review Reminder and Incentives - Magento ® Extensions

$39.20 $49.00

Facebook Share and Win Discount - Magento ® Extensions Facebook Share and Win Discount - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Facebook Share and Win Discount - Magento ® Extensions

$47.20 $59.00

Ajax Cart+ - Magento ® Extensions Ajax Cart+ - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Ajax Cart+ - Magento ® Extensions

$47.99 $59.99

Loyalty Points - Magento Extensions Loyalty Points - Magento Extensions
20% off

Loyalty Points - Magento Extensions

$47.99 $59.99

Countdown Sales Timer - Magento ® Extensions Countdown Sales Timer - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Countdown Sales Timer - Magento ® Extensions

$36.79 $45.99

Auto Subscribe - Magento ® Extensions Auto Subscribe - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Auto Subscribe - Magento ® Extensions

$63.99 $79.99

Scratch Coupon - Magento ® Extensions Scratch Coupon - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Scratch Coupon - Magento ® Extensions

$59.99 $74.99

Popup Promotion - Magento ® Extensions Popup Promotion - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Popup Promotion - Magento ® Extensions

$19.99 $24.99

Better Thank you page - Magento ® Extensions Better Thank you page - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Better Thank you page - Magento ® Extensions

$55.99 $69.99

Master Deal - Magento ® Extensions Master Deal - Magento ® Extensions
20% off

Master Deal - Magento ® Extensions

$39.99 $49.99

Showing 1 to 15 of 15 (1 Pages)