Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) - Prestashop Addons
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Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) - Prestashop Addons

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  • 72.32€
  • 57.86€

Compatibility: Prestashop 1.6.x.x - v8.1.x
Latest Version: v2.0.3 (27-September-2023)
Updates available for 1 year Sales: 5000+
Also Available For:

Note: For AMP module to work, your website must be HTTPS enabled. AMP would not function on HTTP protocol. Therefore, while creating AMP pages and content, you should strongly consider using the HTTPS protocol (vs. HTTP).

Layout Customizations

Home Page Customization

From displaying featured products, bestsellers and new arrivals to adding YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion videos on your home page, PrestaShop AMP addon lets you make tons of customizations. You can add custom texts and select their display position (top or bottom). You can display a banner for your featured products, bestsellers and new arrivals and also specify the number of products to be shown for each. PrestaShop AMP addon also lets you display your Instagram and Twitter feed on the Home page.

Category Page Customization

Set up custom texts, choose their display position (top and bottom) and select appropriate product image sizes to be displayed on your Category Page with PrestaShop AMP addon.PrestaShop accelerated mobile pages module lets you make your category pages look appealing to your users.

Product Page Customization

Similar to Category Page Customization, the Product Page Customization also offers setting up customized texts, selecting their display position and choosing the appropriate product image size to be displayed on the product page.Besides, you can display a short and long product description, product reviews and any other additional info that you want to display through PrestaShop AMP addon.PrestaShop AMP module also lets you display related products, hence encouraging Cross-selling.

Adjust the Look and Feel

PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages addon offers tons of customization to make your website look appealing in front of your mobile users.You can choose custom colors for your website’s background, header, footer, slider, and the font as well.For Category page, you can pick a color for the heading font and adjust the font size.For Product Listing, you can choose color of the title, color of add to cart button and its font, specify the font size of the title and add to cart text. Similar options are available for a product page as well.

Appealing Menu Bar

PrestaShop Accelerated Mobile Pages addon lets you customize your menu bar and make it more user-friendly. The convenient menu section enhances the browsing experience of mobile users..

Branding and Promotion

Adjust the Brand logo

Adjust your business logo as per the website structure. Adjust its width and height to make it perfectly suitable with the rest of your website.

Add Social Media Pages

PrestaShop AMP module lets you add multiple social media pages to your website. It includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Google+, and Tumblr. You can add more business accounts from other social media platform if you want.

Display products in Carousel mode

PrestaShop AMP addon lets you display your store products in carousel mode on the Home page. You can enable this functionality for featured products, bestsellers and new arrivals. You can also limit the number of products to be displayed.

Display your Business location and Contact Options

Display your business details to your mobile visitors right in the menu section. The module lets you display business location, email address and contact number.

SEO and Visitor’s Tracking

Connect Google Analytics

Connect your AMP-enabled website to your Google Analytics account and track the performance of AMP-enabled web pages.

Connect Google Adsense and Facebook Pixel

PrestaShop AMP module also lets you connect your Google Adsense and Facebook Pixel account to your AMP-enabled website.

Update Sitemaps

The AMP module lets you create the sitemaps for AMP pages automatically so that those pages are easily crawled by the Google bot. It allows you to create a different sitemaps for each language pages.

Enable GDPR Cookie Consent Bar

Add the cookie consent bar on your AMP-enabled website to avoid facing the trouble of violating the GDPR law.

Major Benefits of PrestaShop AMP addon

Improves Page Load Speed

Since AMP reduces the page load time, the page load speed is automatically increased. They open instantly and thus are highly preferred by mobile users as compared to Non-AMP pages.

Reduces Bounce Rate

Due to faster loading of web pages, the AMP module reduces your website’s bounce rate to a great extent.

Higher Mobile Traffic and Conversions

Simply because AMP pages load instantly, they tend to capture more mobile traffic and bring more mobile conversions.

Improves Mobile Rankings

Google gives higher priority to AMP-enabled web pages. For mobile devices, an AMP page is likely to rank at a better position than usual mobile web pages on the search engine.

Enhances User Experience

PrestaShop AMP module ensures that your mobile visitors enjoy a seamless experience on your website and are not troubled by any kind of barrier.

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