Spin and Win - Entry, Exit and Email subscription pop up - Prestashop Addons
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Spin and Win - Entry, Exit and Email subscription pop up - Prestashop Addons

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  • $49.99
  • $39.99

Compatibility: Prestashop v1.6.x.x - v8.1.x
Latest Version: v3.0.6 (18-March-2024)
Updates available for 1 year Sales: 10000+
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Prestashop Spin and Win addon - Entry, Exit and Email Subscription pop up (GDPR Compliant)

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    In the competitive eCommerce ecosystem, customer engagement is the key to boost conversion. The classic email subscription pop-ups and subscription messages are considered annoying, Knowband has developed a Responsive and Interactive addon similar to Shopify Wheelio named as Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon. The add-on offers a gamified way to increase the involvement of the customers in your online store. Simply offering a 10% discount in exchange for the email would not intrigue the visitor. This problem is countered by our Interactive spin and win pop up addon which engages the customers and lets them win discounts.

    Spin and Win Email Subscription popup addon is now compliant with the GDPR. GDPR settings are added in the module using which the Prestashop admin can comply with the rules of the GDPR. To know more about GDPR settings please see the content below.

    The Responsive and interactive fun-filled Spin Wheel is an effortless way to compel the visitors to enter their email ids. The highly responsive newsletter popup addon also offers inbuilt integration with Mail Chimp, Klaviyo, and SendinBlue. The emails entered in the email subscription pop up will integrate with your Mail Chimp, Klaviyo, and SendinBlue accounts which can be later used for promotional purposes or Mail campaigns.

    How Spin and Win Entry Popup appears to the customer?

    Spin and win pop up will be displayed on the screen of the Prestashop store as soon as the customer visits the website or during exit (depending upon the admin's choice).

    Enter Email ID: The customer has to enter an email ID before taking the chance. The email ID will be saved for further use and store admin gets another subscriber for the newsletter. 

    Enter Email ID(Optional): If Prestashop store admin can enable the functionality to provide an option to customer to choose to generate a coupon with or without email ID

    (New) Progress Meter: Prestashop Spin and Win email subscription Popup addon shows a progress meter on the user interface. 

    (New) Progress Percentage: Store admin can add value for the progress meter. The progress meter shows the percentage mentioned by the admin.

    (New) Progress label: Prestashop spin and win entry popup shows a label or a message below the progress meter. This label text can be updated by admin in the general setting menu. 

    Some outstanding Benefits of Prestashop Spin and Win Addon-

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon encourage customers to give admin their emails by spinning the wheel. It directly synchs the mail by in-built MailChimp and sends coupon code to the customer via email. It has a simple serverside calculation

    Easy to set it up: As soon as the admin installs Spin and Win email subscription popup addon to the Prestashop store, he/she can configure the settings. Clicking on the configure tab will redirect the page to the configuration page. There are various setting tabs at the admin panel which allows him/her to make changes. 

    (New)Theme Scheduling:

    Admin can make changes in settings and schedule a theme for their Prestashop store.

    This window appears when the Prestashop store admin selects the General setting option.

    This window appears when the store admin selects the Theme scheduling option.

    Prestashop Store admin can make changes from the admin panel of the Spin and Win Popup module

    Take the chance later: Visitor gets the choice of taking the lucky spin and win challenge later. They can click over the option “I am not feeling Lucky” and opt for Spin and win entry popup later whenever they wanted to play the game. 

    Get Rid of email Redundancy- This tab is to avoid the repetition of customers opting for the spin and win lucky wheel play. The customers can only be benefited once with Spin and Win email subscription popup addon and cannot opt for the lucky wheel again with the same email. If an ID is entered twice then it will pop up a message. 

    Quirky Display: Spin and Win email subscription popup addon will display fireworks and make a popup sound when the customer wins the discount coupon. 

    Show Customer Name- Spin and Win email subscription popup addon allows admin to ask for the Customer name before a customer plays the game.

    Allow Email check on Cart- With Spin and Win email subscription popup module admin can check if the email address of the cart and the generated coupon are same or not 

    Wheel Display Interval- Spin and Win email subscription popup addon allows admin to add display interval of the pop up (in days)

    Generate Fix Coupon Code- Admin will first create the coupon from the Price Rules -> Cart Rules tab then enter the coupon code by editing any slice in the Slice Settings tab. If any coupon code is not generated then disable this setting otherwise it will show coupon code named DEMO10 on the popup every time which will not work until admin creates the same in the admin panel. The Compatible with other cart rules setting will not work in this case as it is the responsibility of the admin who is creating the coupon.

    Coupon Generation- Spin and Win email subscription popup addon allows the customer to generate the coupon directly by clicking the Spin the Wheel button without entering any information. They can choose if they want to provide an email ID or not.

    (New)Theme Scheduling: 

    The new feature added to the Spin and Win Entry popup module is scheduling the themes dates and time. Now admin can set a date and time validity for a specific theme that will be displayed for that particular interval.

    This same window appears with Look and Feel. Spin and Win email subscription popup addon allows the store admin to change the entire look and feel of the theme, Right from the button color to texts. Admin can change the background color of the display and make it look attractive matching the theme color.

    You can change the “Look and feel” of the Spin and Win wheel

    This includes multiple options to make the wheel look good from the front end

    Themes for every Occasion:  The option allows the user to choose the theme from given themes. Spin and Win exit popup includes some eye-catching themes for festive moods like New Year, Easter, Diwali, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, etc. 

    Admin can see the theme Preview, Change Wheel color, select font family, font color, and Wheel background.

    Customize the theme: An image can be uploaded by the Prestashop store admin for the logo picture to display on the front end. If you don't want to show the image then you can select Remove background image option. The fonts color and type of every message displayed can be customizable which includes I am not feeling lucky button and the button popping up the message "try your luck".

    Compatible with other cart rules- At the admin end, enabling this can control the clubbing of this coupon with others in the cart or if disabled then other coupons will not be applicable with spin and win a coupon.

    Custom CSS and Custom JS- custom CSS and custom JS code can be added by the store admin as per the need. 

    Admin can make changes to the “Display of the wheel”

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon allow admin to set the minimum count of the pages to show the add-on. Admin can choose where to show the spin & Win pop up add on. 

    Select a Customer Groups to play the game - Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon come with three options to choose the customer group for showing this pop-up add-on: Visitor, guest or customer, Multiple groups can be selected by clicking CTRL. Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon allows the store admin to select the Geolocation of the visitor to show the popup.

    When to Display - Admin can select display time of pop up for the visitor. The pop up can be displayed immediately, after some seconds, maybe after scrolling down the page or when the customer exits the page.

    Store Admin can change the text on the email subscription pop up

    A title text string, a subtitle string, and a set of rules can be added in an email text setting.

    Admin can change the settings for different slices in the slice setting menu

    (New) Select the number of slices: With the new version of the Spin and Win email subscription popup module the wheel can be customized by changing the number of slices. It gives the option of 6, 8, and 12 slices for the wheel. 

    Customize each slice: Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon help admin to customize the slice offers. Coupon type can be a Fixed Amount or a minimum amount of discount, Percentage or you can add a string with a personalized message saying "sorry! Better luck next time" which will be displayed on the front end. 

    Set an expiry date: Spin and Win email subscription popup addon helps admin to set the expiry date for each coupon. Store admin can control the gravity of the wheel by making changes in the gravity option.

    How do Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon help in EmailMarketing?

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon are one of the best ways for adding new subscribers for your brand’s newsletter. This option offers integration with MailChimp, Klaviyo, and Sendinblue.

    What changes admin can make in Email Settings of Prestashop Spin and Win Exit Popup addon?

    Coupon display option- It allows admin to select if the code will be sent directly via mail, displayed on the wheel, or both. 

    Email Subject and template- It can be customized by admin in the email subject option. Admin can choose an email template of choice according to requirements.

    How to analyze the report of Spin and Win pop up?

    Statistics menu tab- A statistical report is generated by spin and wheel game which can be accessed by the admin panel. A complete graphical representation of the number of codes generated and coupons used will be displayed here. 

    (New)Export the email subscriber list: Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon allow admin to export the email subscribers list.

    Merchant Benefits of email Subscription Popup addon-

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon attractive pop-up increases customer base by adding more subscribers to the user panelist. 

    The built-in MailChimp automation platform integrated with Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon synchs entered email ID and allows a customer to avail of their offer by adding an email address. 

    Email Repetition Check is an interesting tool added to Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon to avoid the repetition. 

    Admin can set the interval for wheel display time and can update coupon code with an expiry date. It allows the direct generation of the coupon.

    The Spin and Win popup module is an accessible 3 in 1 Pop-up- Entry Pop Up, Exit Pop up and Email Subscription Pop up.

    When and where to display option available for Prestashop store admin. Admin can display it on the entry page or exit point. Also, the offer can be given to users according to Geolocations 

    Theme Scheduling is the new feature added to Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon. This allows admin to set a time and date validity for a theme. After the expiration of the validity, the theme will be changed to the default theme. Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon give Custom CSS and JS setting tabs which allow admin to customize the email subscription popup without making any changes in the base code.

    Prestashop Spin and Win Entry Popup addon have an attractive wheel display with few adjustable screen sizes and changeable color schemes matching the admin’s theme and occasions.

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon allow the store admin to design the spin & Win wheel with colors and text fonts of admin's choice. 

    The spinning time of the wheel can be set to a limit; Prestashop store Admin can set an initial showing time when the pop-up is hidden.

    This pop up comes with a Customisable number of slices and offers for each slice. The admin can go for a  6 sliced wheel, 8 sliced wheels, or a 12 sliced wheel.  

    After a successful spin, the Prestashop spin and win entry popup will be hidden automatically.

    An email will be generated and sent to the customer with a personalized congratulations message. Email settings of the Spin and Win exit popup allow admin to customize the email template. 

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon enable us to provide a fixed amount discount or percentage discount.

    Compatible with other cart rules- Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon can be used with other cart rules with no obligations.

    Statistics settings help to generate Graphic reports which can be compared to see the performance and changes in customer interaction 

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon has a new feature that allows admin to export the CSV file of the email subscribers list. 

    Prestashop Spin and Win Email Subscription addon gives multilingual and multi-store support. It is mobile responsive and compatible with other Prestashop themes.

    Benefits to Customers of Spin and win Newsletter popup addon:

       The Responsive and Interactive Entry pop up provides the much-needed discounts to the Customers without annoying them.

       Prestashop Entry popup offers a great and playful way to get various prizes that include Free Shipping, Discounts, and other such offers.

       The Exit popup email subscription popup addon can effortlessly add the fun factor to the shopping experience of the customers.

       The customers get email notifications as a reminder of the offer they have won.

       The coupon code can be easily entered into the checkout page to avail of the benefit.

      • With direct coupon generation functionality, Customers can easily generate coupon code without filling any field information. 

      Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides Prestashop plugin development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing Prestashop plugin development, we have hired experienced Prestashop developers who work with full dedication to offer Prestashop development and support services. 

      If there is a feature you want on your Prestashop store, chances are that a Prestashop plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements.


      1. How this Gamified – Spin and Win popup works?

      Spin and Win popup is known as one of the best lead generation popups. After adding this gamified interface to your website, you can let your website visitors and customers add their email addresses in the popup and spin the wheel to win exciting discounts and coupon codes. This way, you get new leads for your business with the help of the Prestashop Spin and Win Addon and your customers win discount codes that they can use in future purchases.

      2. How can I run special sales so that the coupon can be used by a limited number of subscribers or users?

      The Prestashop Spin and Win Pop up addon offers a Progress meter which creates an urgency among the customers and convinces them to quickly play the Spin and Win game so that they don’t miss the ongoing sale and offers. On this meter, you can add a Progress percentage and a progress label which can be easily modified from the back office of the addon.

      3. Is it possible to generate a fixed coupon code from PrestaShop back-office that can be used for Spin and Wheel popup?

      Yes, you can generate a fixed coupon code from the back office of the Prestashop Interactive pop-up addon that can be used for the Spin and Win Popup. To do it, you need to enable the ‘Generate Fix Coupon Code’ functionality and create the coupon from the Price Rules >> Cart Rules, and then enter the fixed coupon code in the Slice Settings tab.

      4. How can I allow customers to rotate the wheel without asking for any personal details?

      PrestaShop Spin & Win Module allows the website visitors to spin the wheel even without asking for any personal details from them. For that, you need to enable the “Provide option to customer to choose to generate a coupon with or without email ID” option from the back office of the PrestaShop Subscription Pop-up addon. If you want the customers to add the details for spinning the wheel, then you have to disable this feature.

      5. Is this PrestaShop Responsive popup module is compatible with the GDPR requirements?

      Yes, the Prestashop Spin and Win Addon is fully compatible with all the GDPR regulations. The addon is also compatible with Knowband’s PrestaShop GDPR addon. You can enable or disable this compatibility feature with the addon from the back office of the module.

      6. Does this gamified PrestaShop Spin and Win popup work on Mobile devices?

      Yes, the PrestaShop Spin and Win addon is compatible with desktop, tablet, and mobile devices and the Spin and Win popup works perfectly on Mobile devices.

      7. How to control the frequency of the gamified popup?

      You can specify popup display interval in days after which the Spin and Win popup will be again displayed to the same user.

      Please refer to section "Spin and win pop up Display Interval" in the user manual.

      8. How to display the Wheel popup on the selected pages of the online store?

      Prestashop Spin and Win Pop up allow you to choose to display the Spin and Win popup on all the pages or on selected pages of your website from the Display Settings tab. You can also exclude some pages from showing the popup.

      9. Is it possible to show the Wheel popup to selected customers like only to the new customers?

      Yes, from the Display Settings tab in the back office of the Prestashop Entry Pop-up addon, you can choose to display the Spin and Win popup either to Visitors, Guests or only to Registered Customers. To display all, you can select all these options.

      10. What themes are available for the Wheel?

      There are a lot of attractive themes available in the addon including themes for Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Black Friday, and Diwali, etc. You can choose and apply any theme from the Look and Feel Settings in the back office of the addon.

      11. Can I create a custom theme for the Wheel popup?

      As of now, you can’t create a new custom theme for the Wheel popup. But we keep adding new features in the Prestashop Interactive pop-up addon from time to time as per requests received from our customers.

      12. How can I use this PrestaShop Subscription Pop-up addon as an Exit Popup?

      You can use the Spin and Win popup as an Exit popup. To enable this feature, you need to go to the Display Settings and select “When Exit” in the ‘When to Display’ section in the back office of the module.

      13. Which wheel parts can be customized to meet the website theme?

      You can select wheel designs, wheel color, wheel background color, wheel font color, etc from the ‘Look and Feel Settings’ in the admin panel of the PrestaShop Responsive Pop-up addon. You can also see the preview of the applied customizations in the back office.

      14. Is it possible to customize the number of slices in the Spin and Win popup module?

      Yes, you can choose the number of slices to display on the Spin and Win popup. You can choose 6, 8, or 12 slices from the Slice Settings in the back office. You can even customize every single slice and make changes to their settings. You can customize the coupon type, label, coupon value, coupon expiry, minimum cart value to use the coupon, and the gravity of the slice.

      15. What is the Email Marketing Integration option?

      The Prestashop Exit Intent Pop-up allows you to integrate your MailChimp, Klaviyo, and SendinBlue accounts to the addon. This integration allows syncing the database of the collected users with these accounts automatically.

      16. Is it possible to customize the email template?

      Yes, you can customize the subject line and the content of the emails from the Email Settings tab. You can add all these customizations from the email template. You can also test these emails by sending them to a test email address from the same tab.

      17. How can I check the performance of the Spin and Win popup module?

      The Prestashop Email Subscription pop-up addon offers a Statistical tab in which you can check all the total generated coupons, total used coupons, total unused coupons in graphical form. You can apply date filters and can also export the email list from the same tab.

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