Gift Card Manager - PrestaShop Addons

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  • $53.00

Compatibility: Prestashop v1.6.x.x - v8.1.x
Latest Version: v2.0.9 (14-June-2024)
Updates available for 1 year Sales: 10000+
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PrestaShop Gift Card Manager Addon

The gift card industry is expected to reach $160 billion by 2018. Almost 10-20% of the total online purchases are done via gift cards. This trend is more prominent during the holiday season. Considering this increase in the popularity of these cards, Knowband offers an easy way to add the functionality in the eCommerce store. PrestaShop gift card manager addon is an automated way to provide these features to the online shoppers. The intuitive PrestaShop gift card module makes it easier for the e-merchants to manage the same.

The no-risk gift vouchers make it easier for the store visitors to make a purchase intention. Moreover, the ease of transaction allows the end-user to place their orders from the store. This PrestaShop gift voucher module not just makes the life of the online shoppers easier, but even takes the conversions to the next level.
How Can Gift card boost the revenue of your eCommerce store?

E-Gift cards bring a lot of benefits to e-commerce store owners. The digital gift card attracts new customers, drive revenue, and build brand awareness, so it is a necessity to every eCommerce store owner to have the gift card option.

Reason 1:

Appealing UI:

The Gift Card Manager has a new layout and design which is appealing to end-users. The new version has the functionality to add new products from the backend and personalized image from the front end. It enhances the customer experience. 

Reason 2:

Capture New Orders and Customers

The digital gift cards especially in the holiday season are sold more. 50 -60% of customer gifted at least one gift card to their loved ones.  It boosts the overall revenue of the holiday season. 

Reason 3:

Increase sales

When customer purchase gift cards to your store, it is not meant to they buy once and stop them.  They come back to your store buy again the gift cards. In the research says 70% of customers spend more than the value of the card. So the PrestaShop gift card definitely increases the sales to your store.

Reason 4:

Attract new customers

When a customer gives the gift card someone else the new buyers are always willing to visit the new store to take a look around and likely return to make additional purchases. As per the research analysis in the U.S, the customer tried a new store or place because they received a gift card for that business.

Reason 5:

Enhance brand awareness

Gift cards are a great source of advertisement and promotion. As users buy the gift card for other people, it increases brand awareness among new people.

Reason 6:

Advance Sales

Customers buy gift cards that are used while purchasing other products. These product purchasing websites are decided already as the gift card is purchased. A user is bound to use those websites which increases advance sales.

Reason 7:

Enhances Personalised Customer Experience

The updated version of PrestaShop Gift Card Manager allows users to send a custom gift card with a personalized image to their loved ones. This enhances the Personalised Customer Experience.

Key Features of PrestaShopGift Card manager which makes it a must-have addon:

1. Place Gift Card link anywhere: The PrestaShop store owner can easily place the gift card link on their online store at the header, left link, and at the footer section of the website. PrestaShop store admin can also add gift cards in the product category. 

2. Improved UI of the front end (New): The new version of PrestaShop Gift card manager is developed for giving a personalized experience to the customer. Its dynamic UI with an appealing layout and design attracts buyers.

3. Send Personalized Image gift Card (New): PrestaShop Gift card manager allows visitors to create a custom gift card with picture upload functionality. Now user can send a gift card with a custom image. 

4. Admin can customize gift cards(New): Store admin of the PrestaShop website can perform various functionalities from the backend. With PrestaShop Gift Card Manager, the admin can create add more templates and gift cards for the customers.

5. Crafted Email Templates: PrestaShopGift card manager addon have descriptive and well-designed email templates. These pre-crafted templates will reduce the extra efforts of admin. An email will be sent to the user who purchases a gift card and another to the receiver with a customized message. 

6. Add a catchy title and personalized message: With PrestaShop Gift Card Manager admin can put a catchy title to the gift card template. Customers can write-up a message with the gift card for their loved ones who are at the receiver's end. 

7. Use the Gift Card Partially (New): With the PrestaShop Gift Card manager, the admin can add a new gift card product with a defined quantity and validity date. It allows admin to enable a gift card for partial use.

8. Cron Functionality: It is interesting for the customers that they can send the gift card o the day of the event. Cron allows the PrestaShop store admin to set a date for delivery of the email.

9. Order Inventory: Admin of the PrestaShop store can keep the track of orders received and delivered.

10. Multilingual support & Multi-store Compatible: PrestaShopGift Card Manager provides multilingual support. It allows admin to select the language for the message and email templates. It removes the communication barrier faced by eCommerce among various countries.PrestaShop Gift card Manager is multi store-compatible

Flexible Configuration Options to manage PrestaShop Gift Card Addon:

  • The easy-to-use PrestaShop gift card module can be enabled or disabled from the PrestaShop store at a button toggle.
  • With the help of the PrestaShop gift card manager addon, the store owner can place the link to the gift card anywhere in the front-end of the website, header, and footer, or on the left side of the page.
  • The e-merchants can find the perfect placement for the link on the web page. Heatmap tool can help you find the right placement for the gift card link.
  • PrestaShop store admin can allow users to upload an image for the personalized gift card. 
  • Admin can add products individually on the gift card's new product settings with defined quantity, price, and product validity date. It allows the admin to set the card code for partial use.
  • The admin gets to fix the minimum duration of gift card order place and delivery. The delivery status of the card can be updated easily from the back-end of the PrestaShop gift card voucher module.
  • The digital cards are delivered via email. The admin gets default email templates for the same. Moreover, the templates can be personalized as per the requirement of the e-merchants from the back-end of the PrestaShop send gift card addon.
  • The PrestaShop gift card addon admin interface allows you to create N number of gift card interface for various occasions including Anniversary, Birthdays, Holidays or any other special event. The existing gift card interface can be edited, disabled or deleted as required.
  • The pricing, validity, the quantity of the products that can be ordered and other factors of the gift card can be edited in a few simple steps.
  • Not just this, the store admin even gets an option to keep a track on the orders received for the gift card from the back-end of the PrestaShop gift card manager addon.
  • PrestaShop Gift Card Addon is GDPR compliant: We have integrated the GDPR hooks on our Gift cart module. On the data deletion request of the GDPR module, the customer details from the Gift Card Manager module will get deleted. If customer exports his personal data then they will be able to see the information saved in the PrestaShop Gift card module.

PrestaShop Gift Card Manager benefits for Admin:

  • PrestaShop gift card module allows the eCommerce merchants to even tap the audience base that is not able to make the purchase decision instantly.
  • The possibility to add new customized visuals and graphics can provide an alluring effect in the front-end.
  • The PrestaShop gift voucher addon allows the admin to set the terms and conditions of the gift card as well as manage it in a matter of moment.
  • Making the card management easier, this PrestaShop gift card manager addon makes online transactions simpler, thus, boosting the chances of conversions.
  • With the purchase statistics and associated order, the merchants can strategies proper marketing campaign for the same.

PrestaShop Gift Card Manager Benefits for Customers:

  • PrestaShop gift card addon enhances the customers’ satisfaction by allowing them to offer a prepaid card to their loved ones. This PrestaShop gift voucher helps them come to a quick purchase decision.
  • This PrestaShop gift card manager module allows the customers to find the perfect gift.
  • The ease of using gift cards for future transactions makes it easier for them to shop from the store.

Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides PrestaShop plugin development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing PrestaShop plugin development, we have hired experienced PrestaShop developers who work with full dedication to offer PrestaShop development and support services. 

If there is a feature you want on your PrestaShop store, chances are that a PrestaShop plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements.


1. Can I create a gift card of any amount with the PrestaShop Gift Card Manager module?

Yes, you can create as many Gift Card Products as you want of any value from the back office of the PrestaShop Gift Card module. You can add the value of the gift card, its quantity, validity, etc easily from the Gift Card Products tab in the admin panel.

2. Can I add my own card design?

Yes, you can create an ‘N’ number of new gift card templates by uploading new personalized images from the back office of Knowband’s PrestaShop Gift Card Addon. You can do it from the tab in the admin panel.

3. Can a site user upload his own personalized card design with this addon?

Yes, while ordering gift cards from the website, the online customers can upload a new personalized image and create a personalized Gift Card. For this, the store admin needs to enable the ‘Custom Gift Card Upload’ feature from the back office of the PrestaShop Gift Voucher module.

4. What are the various options (date and delivery method) of sending a gift card?

With Knowband’s PrestaShop Gift Card Addon, you can specify the minimum ‘Gift Card Delivery days gap’ between ordering and the delivery of the gift cards to the receiver. After the specified day's gap and on the delivery date, the gift cards will be automatically delivered to the customers.

There are 2 methods of sending the gift cards that are ‘Print by Yourself’ or ‘Send by Email’. The customers can select any method while ordering gift cards from the front office of the addon.

5. Can gift amounts be utilized in multiple purchases?

The PrestaShop Send Gift Card addon offers a ‘Partial Use’ feature after enabling which the online users will be able to utilize the Gift Card partially and can use it multiple times until its value is fully utilized.

You can enable the partial use of gift cards for selected or all gift card products from the Gift Card Products tab.

6. As a PrestaShop store owner, can I resend the gift card?

With Knowband’s PrestaShop Gift Card Addon addon, you can resend the Gift Card Email that will have the Gift Voucher code to the customer in case the customer has not received the Gift Voucher email or accidentally deleted it. You can send the email from the Gift Card Orders tab to particular gift card orders.

7. Does your module supports physical gift cards?

Yes, you can allow physical gift cards with this PrestaShop Gift Card Addon. You can edit any Gift Card templates from the back office and enable the ‘Physical Gift Card Allowed’ feature for any or all the gift card templates.

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