Infinite Scroll - Magento 2 ® Extensions
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Infinite Scroll - Magento 2 ® Extensions

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  • $59.99
  • $47.99

Compatibility: Magento v2.0.0 - v2.3.4
Latest Version: v1.0.1 (10-May-2019)
Updates available for 1 year Sales: 10+
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Magento Infinite Scroll Extension

Navigation plays an important role to improve the user experiance in eCommerce store and increase the customer engagement. Infinite scroll is one of the technique that improve the user browing experiance. Infinite scroll (also known as endless scrolling, lazy loading and continuous scrolling) eliminates the need for pagination by constantly loading new products as a user scrolls down the page.

For eaxmple: All popular social media sites like: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram uses the Infinite scroll method for providing the seamless experience to their customers.

Knowband offer the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll extension. It removes the pagination of the site and replace it with infinite scroll. The Magento 2 Infinite Scroll plugin automatically loads the next page of the webpage. The store visitors can now load the products of the next page without refreshing the page with the help of Magento fast scroll plugin.

This Infinite scroll extension for Magengto offers an option the admin to configure the loading option, decide which types of pages to include it on (category, search, and advanced search pages), and some other basic options for customizing pagination elements. This Magento fast scroll extension makes customer catalog browing experiance smooth. 

Key Features of the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension-

Auto Loading of Product: Magento 2 endless scroll extension automatically load catalog pages with products once the page reaches the end. The Magento 2 infinte scroll extension displays the page numbers and the total number of pages on the separate header menu. You can also upload a custom loading image.

Back to top button: Infinite scroll module for Magento 2 offers the back to top button. Which can helps the customer easily get back to the top of the product list.

Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Customizable Labels: The Magento 2 quick scroll module allows the admin to change the look and feel of the front-end interface of the scrolling option. The Admin can add the Custom CSS for custom themes.

Sandbox Settings: The Sandbox Settings tab of the Magento 2 infinite scroll extension offers the admin to test the extension before implementing it on the site.

Other Features of the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension:

  • The admin can install and configure the Magento 2 endless scroll extension.
  • The Magento infinite scroll module replaces pagination with infinite scroll throughout the site.
  • The Magento 2 infinite scroll extension incorporates a ‘Go to the Top’ link on the site as well.
  • The admin can either automate the navigation to the next or enable manual trigger for the same with the help of Magento 2 endless scroll.
  • The texts displayed in the front-end can be easily changed from the admin interface of the Magento 2 infinite scroll extension.
  • The admin can even test the Magento 2 plugin on the sandbox site.
  • Back-end interface of Magento 2 infinite scroll extension extremely easy to use.
  • Magento 2 fast scroll extension is fully mobile responsive.
  • Infinite scroll extension for Magento 2 is SEO-friendly Module.
  • Magento 2 infinite scroll extension is offers samrt navigation module.

Benefits for Admin-

  • The Magento 2 quick scroll plugin optimizes the navigation of the site with great ease.
  • The infinite scroll extension for Magento 2 reduces the load time of the site and boosts the user experience.
  • The sandbox testing option allows the admin to be sure before implementing it on the site.

Benefits for Customers-

  • With the help of Magento 2 infinite scroll extension the customers can see the products of multiple pages on the single page.
  • With easy navigation, the customers can view more products in the least time.
  • The reduced load time allows the customers to shop in minimum time and with least effort.

Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides Magento plugin development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing Magento plugin development, we have hired experienced Magento developers who work with full dedication to offer Magento development and support services. 

If there is a feature you want on your Magento site, chances are that a Magento plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements.


1. What is the meaning of Infinite Scrolling?

Infinite Scrolling is a technique by which the users on your website can browse the products endlessly by scrolling down the page. Unlike Pagination, the customers don’t need to click on the next page, they can easily browse all the products on a single page by keep scrolling down. With the help of Knowband’s Magento 2 Infinite Scroll extension, you can replace the pagination system on your website with infinite scrolling functionality without any hassle. The extension offers an enhanced browsing experience to online users on mobile devices.

2. What benefits do the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll extension offer?

The extension is extremely helpful in providing your customers and website visitors a frictionless product browsing experience. The users don’t need to load multiple pages to see all the products on the category page. The Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension saves the time of the users and allows them to check all products easily and quickly. The extension helps you get more conversions and more session duration on your website.

3. What is the procedure to add Infinite Scroll functionality to my Magento 2 store?

You can easily and quickly add the Infinite Scrolling functionality to your eCommerce store with the extension. You can buy Knowband’s Magento 2 Quick Scroll extension from the Knowband store and install it in your store easily. If you face any kind of issue while installing it, then you can contact our tech support team and take assistance for free.

4. How do I know which is the best option for my online store: Infinite Scroll or Pagination?

It depends on the website design of your store and your available products. With the help of the Magento 2 Fast Scroll extension, you can let your customers browse your products endlessly or you can add a ‘Load more’ button after clicking which the users will see more products on the category page. You can disable the extension if you want to enable the pagination system. So, it is totally up to you and your website design. 

5. Can I make customizations in the look and feel of the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll extension?

There are various customization options available in the extension. From the back-end of the extension, you can display and edit the End page message, the Load more message, select scroll type, etc. You can also change the color of the message box background, border, text, and the ‘go-to top’ link from the back-end of Knowband’s Magento 2 Endless Scroll extension. You can also add Custom CSS styles to add advanced customizations.

6. Do I supposed to have advanced coding knowledge to integrate this extension into my store?

The installation of the Magento 2 Infinite Scroll Extension is really easy and simple. You can check the user manual of the extension to check the step-by-step guide for installing the extension. You can also take assistance from our tech support team in case you face any issue or problem while installing the extension.

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