10 Must-have Addons to Optimize Prestashop Product Pages


From the home page of the site to the checkout page, every component of the conversion funnel contributes to the overall conversions of the eCommerce site. If each component is considered individually, probably the product page happens to be the most important one. This is where the actual sales pitch is presented to potential customers. No matter how much effort you put into the promotion of your site, it is the product page where the deal is closed.

Why is a product page important for online businesses?

The product page is where a majority of the consumers decide to make a purchase. Most eCommerce merchants focus on optimizing their checkout page. I agree, a checkout page holds more value for store owners but to bring customers to the checkout page, there needs to be a solid product page that compels a customer to go further. E-commerce giants across the world have realized the fact that it’s not just the end-product that matters. The overall experience around the product contributes to the purchase intention of the shoppers. A good product page is where the real magic of conversion happens.

If you own a Prestashop store, here are the 10 product page modules to optimize the PrestaShop store. Ready to grab a few more conversions? Read on.

1. Prestashop Product tab Addon


The real purchase process starts from the product page. Hence, you need to design it, so that, they stand out. The page layout and the way the contents are organized should be appealing. Use the Prestashop Product Tab module to add new information tabs on the product page. The admin can display product text, product images, or videos on the webpage. You can increase customer engagement with the proper use of video features. This is one way to make the most of limited space by providing as much detail as possible about the goods.

2. Prestashop Product Video Addon


One of the drawbacks of online shopping is the inability to touch, feel or hold the product to examine it properly.  and the product images are not enough. To minimize the product-related concerns of customers, you can try adding videos to your product pages. Nowadays, customers prefer to watch videos for a better understanding.

Prestashop Product Video module allows you to include the videos on product pages without making any sort of code changes. You can add the product videos on the product pages from various platforms like Vimeo, YouTube, and Dailymotion. This helps customers make better decisions regarding their purchases.

3. Prestashop Product Size Chart Addon


Next in the list of Product page modules to optimize the PrestaShop store is the Size Chart. Let’s see why it is important. A majority of the e-commerce returns take place due to incorrect product size. Customers become indecisive about their purchase when they are not able to figure out the perfect size fit for them. The bottom line can be reduced by providing correct size guides.

You can boost customer confidence in placing orders online and reduce the returns just by creating a comprehensive size chart with Prestashop Product Size Chart extension. This allows your customers to get the apt size and avoid unpleasant surprises for them later. Not just the clothes or shes but products like furniture, sleeping bags, and fishing rods all require a size chart. Add this to your store to reduce product returns.

4. Prestashop Product Review Reminder and Incentives Addon


Product Reviews create a sense of trust among users. Research by Spiegel Research Center says that the purchase chances of a product with a minimum of 5 reviews 270% higher than the product with no reviews. Reviews and ratings can be best used in various marketing tactics like welcome email, abandoned cart notifications, etc.

So, why not use this idea to trigger some purchase intentions? Prestashop Product Review Reminder and Incentives Plugin can encourage existing customers to drop their feedback and review for the products to get a reward. This is one of the ways to boost the review and ratings of your product pages. You can now amp up the acquisition rate of your site.

5. Prestashop Back in Stock Addon


A sold-out item doesn’t have to mean you lose a customer. Loyal customers wait patiently for the product to get back in stock. Now compel your store visitors to return back to the store by sending them a reminder, once the product is back in stock. The Prestashop Back in Stock extension allows the customers to subscribe for a notification whenever the product of their choice is in stock. It displays a customized pop-up on the product page with an email subscription tab.

6. Prestashop Sales Count Addon


Along with interactive reviews and testimonials, the sales count of a particular product also motivates the customer to opt for that item. Word of mouth can trigger instant purchase decisions of store visitors. And when you have an online store, displaying a total number of sales is easier. Prestashop Sales Count extension displays the total count of the product purchase. These sales pitches are aimed at creating a shopping experience where the customers feel that they are opting for the right product.

7. Prestashop Price Alert Addon


Another way to bring back customers is with price alerts. Fluctuation in the product price is quite common in online stores. Customers keep looking for the price drop, especially while thinking to purchase an expensive item. Keeping a regular check can be difficult and customers can still miss out on the price drop.

The Prestashop Extension has a user interface that is both simple and feature-rich, allowing customers to quickly set up price alerts for future reference. The Prestashop Price Alert plugin allows the customers to subscribe for the notification when the price of a particular product reduces to a certain limit. This is one of the ways to motivate the return of the visitors who left because of the price hike.


In the competitive scenario, motivating the customers to the product page is quite a challenging task. Hence, once the visitor browses the product, it is the responsibility of the marketers to make full use of it. Use the Prestashop Automatic Related Products module to display the related items on the web page automatically. You can boost the upsell and cross-sell with the least hassle.

9. Prestashop Advance Product Attribute/Field Addon


Customer personalization is the new way of treating your customers that increases customer satisfaction. For instance, when a customer shops on an online cake shop, the seller requires details like delivery time, pin code, and customized message.

With Prestashop Advance Product Attribute/Field, the seller can add custom fields on the product page of the site to collect more information from the customer. The store owners can now offer a better service.

10. Prestashop Product Availability Check by Zipcode


The last module in the list of Product Page is for checking the product availability. Non-availability of products at a particular location can increase the cart abandonment rate of your site. Provide an option to your customers to check the availability of the item just by entering the zip code. Prestashop Product Availability Check by Zipcode extension is one of the ways to incorporate this functionality in the product pages of your e-commerce store.


If you’re getting enough website traffic, but the conversions are not satisfactory, it may be high time to take serious action for product page optimization. Add the above-mentioned product page features on your site and create a well-rounded shopping experience that the visitors can’t help rave about.

For PrestaShop Module assistance, drop an email at support@knowband.com or visit the KnowBand store and find out the solution to your eCommerce issues.

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Joe Parker

We boast of the best in the industry plugins for eCommerce systems and has years of experience working with eCommerce websites. We provide best plugins for platforms like - Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart and Shopify . We also provide custom module development and customization services for the website and modules..

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