How to list a product in eBay Marketplace?


When you have successfully created a seller account on eBay Marketplace, you need to add products in your shop. Adding the products in your cart is an easy process with the following steps:

Step 1: Sell option

Sell Tab

Click on the “Sell” option in the top right corner.

 Step 2: Start Selling

Start Selling

Click on the “Start Selling” option to start the process.

Step 3: Contact info

Contact info

Provide your contact info so that eBay can contact you in case of any issue with the products added.

Step 4: Get Started

Get started

Enter the product you want to sell and click “Get started”.

Step 5: Subtitle


Enter the subtitle of the product/listing.

 Step 6: Fill Up the form

Fill Up form

Enter the necessary details which you want to display to the user.

 Step 7: Preview Listing

Preview Listing

Before saving the list, eBay provides you an option to preview the listing with all the details.

 Step 8: List the item

List the item

Click on “List the item” to make the item public.

 Step 9: Contact number


Contact Number

Enter the number for verifying purposes. Your item has been listed and is publicly available to the users.

Watch how to list a product in eBay Marketplace?

We hope that this information will help you to list products on eBay Marketplace and easily achieve good profits very soon.

Although listing products directly on eBay is possible but if you already own an eCommerce store, it becomes easier. So, if you are an eCommerce store owner and want to sell your products on eBay than you can integrate them via eBay Integrators.

KnowBand’s eBay Integrators bridges the gap between the store and the Marketplace via eBay API. After successful integration, sellers can map their product listings on eBay and earn sales and profits at high scale. The eBay Integrators are available for various CMS platforms as follows:

Sellers can choose their platforms according to their eCommerce store platform and integrate their store to eBay without any hassle.

If you have any queries related to the extension, you can contact us via mail at Our support team is always there to help you.

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Joe Parker

We boast of the best in the industry plugins for eCommerce systems and has years of experience working with eCommerce websites. We provide best plugins for platforms like - Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart and Shopify . We also provide custom module development and customization services for the website and modules..

One thought on “How to list a product in eBay Marketplace?

  1. Nice article. Video explanation is very helpful and it helped me to list my products on eBay. Thank you, Joe, for this amazing article.

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