How can Prestashop Age Verification help you focus on the Target Audience?

Prestashop Age Verification

The internet has granted users with access to explicit content and data, irrespective of the age bar. This has led to the minors getting exposed to the content which is not suitable for them. Does your website deal with adult products or contents that require age verification? Do you want to put up the age restriction on your website?

Age verification services can be expensive and a time-consuming process, but no worry. we have made it easy for you. If you want to add the age verification set up on your website, PrestaShop Age verification addon is all you need.

The Prestashop Age Verification module is one such option for the Prestashop store merchants that restricts access to the website for the users under a certain age. If the website contains explicit content, then the module is a good method to avoid minors from entering the website. This helps website owners to prevent minors from exploring the adult-based content if they entered the site accidentally. It serves as an initiative in stopping cyberbullying.

Listed below are some of the ways in which age verification plugin can help you.

Customizable flash messages:

The module doesn’t require much technical knowledge. It can be installed and used immediately. The module enables the admin to flash a pop-up message, which would read a warning to the visitors when they enter the website. The pop up is used as a warning about the contents or products inside the website. The pop up can be used to display a message with a small description of the website and the contents and products of the website.

Age Restriction:

The Prestashop Age verification module can be customized as per the admin’s choice. The warning pop up can be generated with links, either to provide direct access to the website or after entering the Date of Birth. Internet safety is one of the growing concern and sincere efforts need to be put in order to stop cyberbullying. The Prestashop age verification module works toward making Internet a safe experience for everyone. The features provided by this module enables the users to stay safe and enjoy the bright side of the Internet.

This feature helps in making sure that the user is eligible to access the contents and products available in the website.It helps in keeping, visitors of a certain age group, mostly the minors, out of the website, making the site age restricted.

Age Restriction

Customizable pop-ups:

Apart from that, this module provides a winsome look to the website. As the admin can customize the pop up to make it looks more appealing. The pop up can be designed to look convincing, with the proper usage of a relating picture. The admin can also read a warning with the pop up for the users. The module helps in making the website more interactive. As, the pop up message reads warning about the age limit, hence, most of the time users will enter or exit the site accordingly. The feature also ensures the users about the product quality available on the website.


The Prestashop age verification module provides a safe access to the contents and products for minors. Apart from that, the module is multi-store compatible. It enables the admin to link multiple stores using the single module. The module is SSL compatible, so all the data of the user is safe during any transactions.

Checks cyberbullying:

Internet safety is one of the growing concern and sincere efforts need to be put in order to stop cyberbullying. The Prestashop Age verification plugin works toward making the Internet a safe experience for everyone. The features provided by this module enables the users to stay safe and enjoy the bright side of the Internet.

With the trust of more than 20,000 store owners, Knowband has provided the optimization feature with the module that gives the website a winsome look. The admin can design the layout of the pop-up message. The placement of the Age Verification pop up makes it more interactive and engaging. The module makes it possible for the visitors to leave certain websites if they opened it accidentally.

How can Knowband help?

Knowband provides a module to best suit your website and the Prestashop Age Verification module is designed in such a way that the minimum age bar limit can be configured. The admin gets an editorial feature of displaying a message along with pop up, to provide users with information about the website contents and products.

The Age Verification Module provided for Prestashop store owners, takes the customer’s expectations into consideration. The general perspective of a person entering a website maybe curiosity. Through the message, admin can make sure that the users are about the content or product they are about to view.

The Prestashop Age verification module can be customized as per the admin’s choice. The warning pop up can be generated with links, either to provide direct access to the website or after entering the Date of Birth. This feature helps in making sure that the user is eligible to access the contents and products available on the website. It helps in keeping the minors out of the website. This helps the web store owner to get full control on the module and make it look as per they see it more beneficial.

Knowband provides 100’s of plugins to make E-Commerce a better experience. The Prestashop Age verification module is can be optimized in a way that all its components can be edited as per the need and can help you target the right audience. The admin can use a relatable picture, to make users aware of the website contents and age limit. With the easy availability of the internet for people of all age group, the age verification bar is a must for most of the site.


This module enables the admin to target suitable users for their content and products. Meanwhile, making sure the website is not accessible to a particular section of internet users. Are you looking for any such addon for your store? Visit Knowband to get the solution to all your problems.

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Joe Parker

We boast of the best in the industry plugins for eCommerce systems and has years of experience working with eCommerce websites. We provide best plugins for platforms like - Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart and Shopify . We also provide custom module development and customization services for the website and modules..

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