Pre-requisites to publish your app on Apple App Store


You had an idea for an iOS application and got it developed. Great! Let’s find what are the requirements for launching your app on the Apple App Store. Publishing app on iOS store isn’t that easy. Apple store has a lot of requirements before app submission which might be confusing sometimes. It is better to keep all the necessary things ready before you begin the process. The successful distribution of your app directly depends on complying with these requirements. This document lists all the details required to publish app on Apple App Store.

Create a Developer Account

First of all, the user who is intending to go live with the App Store needs to have a developer account. The paid account requires around $99 per year for the subscription. This account has all the details required to manage the app on the App Store.


Follow the steps mentioned in the link below in order to register as a developer.

Pre-requisites for launching an app on iOS Store

  1. Uploaded binary on iTunes Connect – The binary should be uploaded on iTunes Connect. A binary (IPA file) can be uploaded on iTunes Connect via Xcode or Application Loader.


  • App Name – Name of your application to be displayed on App Store.
  • Privacy Policy URL – URL redirecting to privacy policy of your app.


  • Promotional Text (max 170 characters) – The promotional text can’t exceed more than 170 characters. It lets you inform your App visitors about current features without requiring an updated submission. This promotional text will appear above your description on the App Store for customers with devices running iOS 11 or later, and Mac OS 10.13 or later.
  • Description (max 4000 characters) – Description of your app must contain detailed features and app functionalities. It will be displayed in the App Store and can’t exceed more than 4000 characters.
  • Support URL – A URL with support information for your app. It will be visible on the App Store.
  • Copyright – The name of the person or entity that owns the exclusive rights to application along with the year when the rights were obtained. (for example, “2008 Acme Inc.”). Here, do not provide a URL.
  • App Icon – App icon plays the major role in providing first impression of your app, so try to make accurate app icon.
  • General Information – This contains all the information related to you as First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State, Postal Code, Country, Phone Number, and Email.
  • Screenshots – You must provide a set of screenshots for all types of devices.
  1. For iPhone, you need one set of screenshots for a 5.5-inch display.
  2. For iPad, you need one set of screenshots for a 12.9-inch display.

You can find the complete screenshot specifications here:

Apple store review guidelines

Apple is very strict when it comes to app review. The App Store review guidelines are categorized in the five clear sections:

  • Safety
  • Performance
  • Business
  • Design
  • Legal.

Apple has also provided detailed guidelines on app review. Find it here:

Also, find a small list of the things which need to be taken care of for the review process –

  1. App metadata – It should not contain any name or should not point to a third party platform such as Android etc.
  2. Screenshots – The uploaded screenshots should not be captured from an Android device.
  3. Objectionable Content – The app will be rejected if it supports or sells any kind of drugs, alcohol products etc.

What you must avoid before publishing the app in the Apple App Store

Well, if your eyes are on publishing the apps on the Apple App Store then you should completely understand the app submission process on the Apple App Store. The app submission process on the Apple App Store included a ton of requirements & guidelines. So, check these guidelines before publishing an app on the Apple App Store:

1. Avoid any kind of racist, sexist or homophobic content
2. Do not include any sort of false information
3. Do not make a copy of another app
4. Crashes & Bugs
5. Accurate Information
6. Poor UI
7. Irrelevant Information
8. Bad Performance

Releasing application on App Store


After acquiring all the required things for app submission, it’s time to get it published. The steps below illustrate how you can release an application on the App Store –

  • Upload the binary on iTunesConnect and submit the app for the review process. The binary can be uploaded using Xcode or Application loader.
  • Go to AppStoreConnect and login into the account.
  • Go to My Apps section.
  • Click on plus (+) button shown at top start corner.
  • Click on New App option.
  • Fill the required details and click on Create
  • Now, you will be redirected to the next page where you will have to fill the metadata related with your app. Following details are required in this section –
  1. App Information
  2. Pricing and Availability
  3. Prepare for Submission
  • After filling out the information, click on Submit for Review . It will ask to choose in between two more options and the binary status will be changed to `Waiting for Review`

Once, the review is completed by Apple, the application will be live on App Store.



The process of app distribution on the Apple App Store might seem quite lengthy for a new application, but it is worth the effort. Manage all the above-mentioned prerequisites before app distribution and the process will become seamless for you. You can even find a more detailed info on the topic here.

Sometimes, Apple regulators reject the app for some reasons. Find few such app rejection reasons and their solutions here. A better way to avoid such happening is by Creating a proper application and start counting the download figures.

Joe Parker

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One thought on “Pre-requisites to publish your app on Apple App Store

  1. I am a newbie in development field and made a simple ios app. After app development, I had many doubts regarding app distribution. This informative blog guided me with the complete process. But when I uploaded the binary on iTunes Connect and submitted my app for review, my app got rejected. Please tell if there is any way to republish the app on iOS store? If not, what options remain for my application distribution?

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