Must-Have PrestaShop and OpenCart Plugins for 2024!

Top 2024 Knowband Plugins for PrestaShop and OpenCart

As we venture into 2024, e-commerce platforms like PrestaShop and OpenCart continue to evolve. These major platforms offer robust and user-friendly features that can significantly enhance online store performance and customer satisfaction. Both Prestashop and Opencart provide a ton of default features that are enough to start selling online and shop management. However, the need […]

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The Impact of Mobile Shopping Apps on Consumer Behavior!

The Impact of Mobile Shopping Apps on Consumer Behavior

In an age dominated by smartphones, the retail landscape has undergone a significant transformation. Mobile shopping apps have emerged as a powerful tool for reshaping consumer behavior and preferences. Moreover, the convenience, speed, and personalized experience these apps provide have not only influenced how consumers shop. But, also raised their expectations from retailers. This shift […]

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The New UI of KnowBand’s PrestaShop Marketplace Builder Makes Configuration a Breeze


The latest release of PrestaShop Multi-Vendor Marketplace Plugin brings significant improvements to the UI design of the admin interface for the marketplace users. The enhancements are focused on admin panel configuration UI design and plugin compatibility across the plugin. It also has the latest feature update in the seller dashboard for product uploading. PrestaShop Marketplace […]

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Success Story – Scubamaster Store | PrestaShop Mobile App Builder


This article is a toast to the success story of the Prestashop Mobile App for Scubamaster store developed using the Mobile App Builder plugin. Consider using KnowBand’s Mobile App Builder Module to develop Android & iOS Mobile app for the PrestaShop store. The Mobile App Builder offers the following advantages to the store admin: No coding skills required […]

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Storia di successo – Scubamaster Store | Mobile PrestaShop-App


Oltre ad aumentare le vendite dei prodotti e l’esposizione dell’azienda, un’app mobile migliora la fidelizzazione dei clienti. Ogni volta che gli utenti lo visualizzano, un’applicazione garantisce la stessa presentazione di beni e servizi. I clienti, indipendentemente dalla pagina che visitano, vivranno la stessa esperienza utente. Un’app mobile ti contatto in contatto con i tuoi clienti […]

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