Turbo boost your Magento Site with these tips- Volume 3

Turbo Boost Your Magento Site With These Tips-3 | Knowband

Magento site owners have a reason to be cheerful again as up till now they have been able to perform some of the site optimization tips on their Magento store for making a significant improvement in terms of the conversion rates, product sales and site traffic. Further, in this final part of this article series, let us discuss some more mind blowing tips that can improve the website loading speed of your online store drastically. Take a close look below.

1. Utilize the services of PHP accelerators

Turbo Boost Your Magento Site With These Tips- Utilize the services of PHP accelerators | Knowband

For improving the performance of a Magento site, you can utilize the services of a PHP accelerator, which is another form of caching. With the help of these accelerators, it is now easy to improve the performance of your PHP scripts by caching them in their compiled state. Apart from this, you can utilize the various PHP accelerators like APC, ZendOptimizer+ or Xcache. Some of them are described below.

APC ““ https://pecl.php.net/package/APC

Xcache ““ https://xcache.lighttpd.net/

eAccelerator ““ https://eaccelerator.net/

2. Enable the Apache Keep Alive feature

Turbo Boost Your Magento Site With These Tips- Enable the Apache Keep Alive feature | Knowband

This Apache Keep Alive is a mind blowing feature that establishes open connection between the client and server platform. In order to improve the loading time of your site, you need to ensure that the multiple requests are handled on the same connection. To take required step in this direction, you need to check that the “Keep Alive” option on your Apache configuration is enabled. This option is an effective tricky solution that allow multiple HTTP requests to be funneled through a single TCP connection. Due to this, the additional time that is spent on the setting up of the individual TCP connection is reduced and thus the downloading time required for files like HTML, JavaScript, images and others are minimized to a significant level.

3. Replace Apache web server with other suitable alternatives

Turbo Boost Your Magento Site With These Tips- Replace Apache web server with other suitable alternatives | Knowband

For improving the performance of your Apache web server, you need to look out for the suitable alternatives for your web server. LiteSpeed Enterprise web server that can be used as an effective replacement for the Apache web server due to various available features and facilities. With the help of this server, the performance of the PHP application can be increased by up to 50% and it is about 6 times faster than the Apache serving static content. Besides LiteSpeed, Nginx is also an effective replacement for Apache web server.

4. Make use of the advantage performance optimization

Due to the complexity of the Magento system, it is important to implement the caching in the workflow process of your Magento site. For situations like this, you need to have a full page cache extension that can save the excess load on your Magento server. Apart from this, you can utilize the services of Varnish Magento extensions to optimize the performance of your Magneto site. Check out this link to try out this free Magento extension for the purpose of full page caching.

5. Optimize the performance of your website on mobile devices

Due to the increased use of the mobile devices, more and more number of people are surfing the site through these mobile devices. Therefore, it is important to optimize the performance of your site on mobile devices for providing the same level of user experience to your customers irrespective of the device used by them. In order to carry out this crucial task, you need to take the help of various mobile optimization tools like PageSpeed Insights, Pingdom, Mobile Friendly Test, GT Metrix and such others. Apart from this, you need to utilize the various other factors like HTML5, CSS and Javascript files, mobile responsive design, optimized images and other such components that can make your Magento site more accessible on numerous mobile devices.

6. Disable ETags for the faster performance of your browsers

Browsers make use of ETags feature for validating the cached components across the various subsequent visits. Due to this, it can slow down the performance of a site if it is served from the cluster that has not implemented ETags properly. To avoid such a situation, it is important to disable them completely with the following syntax:


## If running in cluster environment, uncomment this

## https://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#etags

FileETag none

7. Install an effective JS/CSS minifier

For optimizing the performance of your Magento site, you need to install a JS/CSS minifer like the Minify Javascript/CSS that can optimize the performance of your site drastically. This Minify JS/CSS Magento extension can effortlessly combine, compress and cache the Javascript and CSS file for faster site loading and performance. Apart from this, the minifer will also add forever expiry tags to your Magento files for ensuring the faster browser loading time.

8. Make required changes in the PHP realpath_cache settings

For optimizing the website loading speed of your Magento store, you need to update the realpath of your PHP coding accordingly. This is due to the fact that whenever a new file is added to the PHP, it is required to use a relative path so that the PHP does not have to spend a considerable time in looking out for that particular file. This Realpath cache minimizes the disk lookup time by allowing PHP to cache the reference paths and location of various files/directories that are being used by you. Further, in order to improve the efficiency of real path cache, you need to increase the parameter realpath_cache_size. If you are not capable to change your filepaths at a regular interval of time, it is recommended to increase the count of realpath_cache_ttl.

9. Reduce the logging time of your web server

For reducing the disk write up time of your web server, you need to take efforts towards reducing or disabling the logging time of your server. For Linux servers that are having access time logging enabled on any of their mysql, web server or any other cache partitions can easily get them disabled for optimizing the performance of their Magento site. Moreover, for the users that are using ext3 or reiserfs, you need to check out the faster journal write methods by clicking on this valuable link.

With the help of these mind blowing site optimization tips, Magento site owners can effortlessly improve the performance of their online store for grabbing the maximum site traffic, conversion rates, product sales and customer engagement. Therefore, it is your time to make the mark in your particular business segment by providing a seamless online shopping experience to your targeted customers.

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Joe Parker

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