MySQL Error: The user specified as a definer (‘xyz’@’localhost’) does not exist

MySQL Error: The user specified as a definer ('xyz'@'localhost') does not exist

The relational database management system MySQL is free and open-source. The word “My” is a combination of “SQL,” the acronym for a structured query language, and “My,” the name of co-founder Michael Widenius’s daughter. A relational database arranges data into one or more tables where it is possible for the data to be related to […]

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HubBox Error: Failed to open stream /sample/../../vendor/autoload.php

Problem Statement While using the library provided by HubBox, there is an error occurring- require(C:\wamp64\www\HubBox\sample\src\public/../../vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\HubBox\sample\src\public\index.php on line 14 Solution This error occurred because of dependencies on files that are missed. You need to solve this issue by using below steps: Step1: Delete the file sample/composer.lock from the library. Step2: Make a folder with the name “vendor” under /sample/ Step3: Run the command “composer install” in command prompt at /sample/   It will download all the dependency files which are required. After successfully downloading all the dependencies, you will able to use the HubBox library.

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Namespace in PHP

Objective: To learn how we can use same name of the class in PHP using namespace. Generally we cannot use two or more class with the same name. It will give an error: “Cannot redeclare class” as shown below- To handle this, we can use the namespace as shown in the example given below: 1. […]

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Auto Loading in PHP

Objective: To learn how we can use any instance of class without including the class file. Generally, If we want to use the instance of any class then first we need to include the class file by any of the 4 functions: include include_once require require_once Like below, // included all the classes require "classes/Testing1.php"; […]

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HubBox Error: Bad Response Code

Problem Statement:  Error coming in the response of Authentication API of HubBox ie. “HubBox Api Error: Bad Response Code” Solution:  If you are facing issue as shown below while you are checking Authentication API, it may be because of Authentication API is verifying SSL certificate for connection. For this, you can turn off the SSL […]

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Spring Global (Spring Omni) Error: Shipment is not being Registered

Problem Statement: Shipment is not being registered on the sent timestamp and also no error is reporting in the response. Solution: We have raised a ticket for the same and they replied that this issue was occurred because recipient’s email parameter was not sent in the Shipment API According to the Spring Omni documentation, […]

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