How to get Disqus API Key and API Secret details?

How to get disqus api details api key and api secret

Disqus is a worldwide popular blog commenting host for websites and communities that use a networked platform. Disqus is a very popular solution used by various websites and users who are fond of commenting on different blogs, communities, and forums using a networked platform.

Disqus provides an API to the developers using which different social login solutions have been developed. That is, a user having an account on Disqus can use the same account to log on to your site if you allow Disqus social login on your site.

To use the Disqus social login on your website, you can install a social login module (PrestaShop, OpenCart, and Magento) that supports Disqus. Later, after few initial API configurations, you are ready to accept social login via Disqus on your website. You need two Disqus API details for that:

  • Disqus API key and
  • Disqus API secret

How to get these Discus API details?

Step 1: First of all, visit the Disqus developer console and log in to your Disqus account.

Step2: On the next interface, Click on Applications Tab. Next, click on “Register new application” as shown in the image below.

Disqus Applications Tab

Step3: It will show you a small form to fill. Fill up the form as shown in the image below and then click on “Register my application”:

Disqus Applications Tab

Step 4: On the next interface, you need to provide your domain name, call back URL (redirect URL) as shown in the image below and click “Save changes”:

Disque interface required domain nameStep 5: The next screen will show up all your API details that you need. Copy these details and keep them with you.

Disqus API details

Now you can use these details in your social login module and configure the Disqus login in few seconds. Just copy and paste these details in the specified fields.

For example, if you are using the knowband social loginizer module for PrestaShop, OpenCart, or Magento, your interface will look something like this:

Disqus Settings

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Joe Parker

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