Nowadays people are spending a lot more time using mobile devices to access the internet and consuming twice the data they consume on desktop websites. That goes for online shopping standards as well. Using an eCommerce website to bring sales is challenging when you have flaky internet connectivity. And, asking users to install a mobile […]
magento 2 pwa
PWA For Magento 2: Grow Your Business With This Readymade Tool

It’s 2020 & by now most online businesses have realized the importance of mobile applications. Mobile devices, especially smartphones, always remain switched on & connected to the internet & more importantly, they are in quick reach of the smartphone users. For businesses, this makes mobile devices the best medium to be present. Based on a […]
Magento 2 PWA Mobile App – User Manual
1.0 Introduction Being in the retail eCommerce industry, you must have come across the word PWA (Progressive Web App). If yes, you must be also aware of the capability they carry as a shopping application. In case not, you’ve landed in the right place. With the constant growth in the usage of shopping apps (both […]