5 Tendências Recentes de Mercado no Comércio Eletrônico Móvel

Prestashop Mobile APP Builder, eCommerce mobile trends


A introdução dos telemóveis ao comércio eletrónico não é nova. A crescente popularidade e o fácil acesso a telefones celulares obrigaram os proprietários de lojas de comércio eletrônico a levar seus negócios para a plataforma móvel. Afinal, os celulares servem para tornar as compras mais divertidas e convenientes para os usuários da Internet. A loja móvel ajuda os clientes a navegar na loja de comércio eletrônico com muito mais conveniência.

Como o número de usuários de dispositivos móveis está crescendo dia a dia, tornou-se uma maneira eficaz para os proprietários de lojas de comércio eletrônico se conectarem a seus clientes de uma maneira mais definida. Uma das vantagens de usar aplicativos móveis é o grande acesso a telefones celulares. Assim, ajuda os vendedores a alcançar o máximo de pessoas e, ao mesmo tempo, ajuda a impulsionar as vendas e a obter melhores conversões.

Enquanto isso abriu um oceano de oportunidades para os comerciantes, a introdução de jogadores de comércio eletrônico e a facilidade de atualizar os negócios para o m-commerce aumentou a concorrência. Um dos maiores hacks para se manter da concorrência é manter-se alinhado com as tendências do mercado e os avanços tecnológicos. Para os corredores de negócios de comércio eletrônico, aqui estão algumas das mais recentes tendências de mercado no m-commerce que você precisa considerar para ficar a par da expectativa do cliente.

Espera-se que o tempo gasto em aplicativos para dispositivos móveis aumente

O Mobile Trends aumenta, os Aplicativos Móveis da Knowband

Houve um aumento constante no número de usuários de smartphones no passado recente. Isso tornou inevitável que o comércio móvel não é apenas uma moda passageira, mas uma tendência inevitável. Além disso, 85% do tempo de celular são gastos nos aplicativos. Isso indicou que ter um aplicativo móvel para o seu negócio de comércio eletrônico é uma obrigação.

Curadoria de conteúdo baseado em localização

Aplicativos móveis baseados em Loaction, Aplicativos Prestashop

Com a introdução do 2016, houve um aumento na popularidade da pesquisa por voz. Junto com isso, os serviços baseados em localização estão em alta e continuarão a liderar o mercado nos próximos anos. Assim, o conteúdo do aplicativo móvel para qualquer empresa de comércio eletrônico precisa ser curado com esses dois aspectos em mente. O conteúdo do aplicativo para dispositivos móveis deve ter referência de local. Junto com isso, em vez de segmentar palavras-chave, o conteúdo deve fornecer a solução das consultas que estão sendo pesquisadas pelo público-alvo. As pesquisas por voz incluem perguntas como “restaurante chinês perto de mim” e outras consultas desse tipo. O conteúdo deve ser atualizado de acordo.

Easier navigation a must-have

Easy Navigation, Prestashop App Builder, Knowband.com

Not just in the eCommerce ecosystem, even in mobile commerce, 1 out of 4 customers are expected to abandon the cart if they find the store navigation complex. Thus, this adds to the need of focusing on the mobile apps. While the mobile responsive websites will continue to outpace the application as they do not require any installation, they are more likely to annoy the visitors with complicated navigation. The mobile apps, in this case, will prove handy in curbing the cart abandonment.

The need to bring the store in the customer’s pocket

Mobile Apps, Online Store, eCommerce Store, Prestashop Store

As per a recent report of google, the ‘Right here’ and ‘Right now’ requirement of the online shoppers are on a rise. Moreover, 50% of the smartphone users are likely to place their order immediately. They not just want the load time of the web store to be less, but they even wants the stores to be at their arm distance. Thus, the online retailers need to bring in the entire website in the pocket of their target audience. What can be better option that having an app for your business. Moreover, the application should sought at making the shopping experience easier and fun for the consumer. Easier check-in and checkout process with social login options will ensure greater customer retention.

Social engagement is a must

Socila media sharing, Prestashop Socila media sharing module

Even in the m-commerce ecosystem, the social media platforms are more likely to steal the show. Overall, 60% of the consumer times spent on social media is on mobile. Hence, the mobile application for the eCommerce businesses should be optimized to tap this audience. Promoting the app on these platforms and incorporating deep links and other features in order to increase the number of downloads is a must.

Having discussed the above-mentioned trends that are expected to follow in the m-commerce industry, it is now time to elaborate how can a mobile application help your business model. If you are a Prestashop site owner than you can easily switch your web site to mobile app by using Prestashop Mobile App builder module. Knowband offers an easy and effortless module for that can help you take your eCommerce business to the next level. Similar extensions are available for Magento, OpenCart and other platforms as well.

Let us take a look on some of the evolution in mobile eCommerce which can help the stores to grow more and better.

1. ?Better traffic

Better Traffic, prestashop store, Knowband

The accessibility of mobile phones has grown up to more than 3 billion peoples. Thus, it ensures that more users can help the seller in re directing a better crowd to their stores. The introduction of m-commerce can help the web stores to get a better traffic on their stores which will be a good sign for better sales. It also helps in making more conversions.

2. ?Reachability


Mobile phones are reachable at almost every place. Customers don’t have to reach out to desktop sites in order to make a purchase. They can easily reach out to their mobile phones and make purchase. It has helped the seller to reach out to maximum potential buyers who would have otherwise given a second thought of making a purchase. A better option to make purchase will surely help the seller to reach out more.

3. ?Convenience


Mobile apps are more convenient when compared to desktop sites. One of the immediate advantages of mobile apps is the convenience. Most of the time a customer will hesitate to go through desktop sites and make a purchase. With the introduction of mobile aps marketing has become way too easy. The customers can now reach out to their mobile app any time and make a purchase on any of the product they like. It has helped the customers to make immediate purchase.

4. ?Direct sales

Direct Sales, Knowband sales

Mobile apps helps in making direct sales. The visitor can use the mobile app to browse the web store and see the product and make a purchase. Unlike, desktop sites where they have to go through all the products and then settle down for their likes after searching many options. Mobile apps provide direct approach to get the products. The customers just has to select category and make a purchase. It just gets better with using the mobile apps for customers in order to make a purchase.


Better approach, strategy,

Seller always keep the customers experience as priority. If the customers have a better experience with a web store than they are more likely to visit the store again. Thus, keeping this factor in mind the seller need to make a better approach to reach out to customers. The customers can visit the store using mobile apps making a purchase and getting better deals. Thus, mobile app ensures a better marketing opportunity for both sellers and the customers.

6. ?Social Sharing

Prestashop Social Sharing

One of the best feature provided by the mobile apps is social sharing. Most of the time when a customer likes the product they want to share it with their friends, thus mobile apps prove a great way to do that. They enable the customers to share the products with others. It helps in promoting the product even without the seller promoting it directly. The mobile apps are quite handy and can always be used to grow market. The social feature of mobile apps makes the store more prone to growing and get better sales.


Most of the time a customer would like to make purchase through mobile apps due to better convenience. Hence, the seller must be oriented towards providing customers with better services. The m-commerce is taking over the market rapidly and if a store owners doesn’t change with trend than they are most likely to lose a large portion of potential buyer. It will reduce the sales made.

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Joe Parker

We boast of the best in the industry plugins for eCommerce systems and has years of experience working with eCommerce websites. We provide best plugins for platforms like - Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart and Shopify . We also provide custom module development and customization services for the website and modules..

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