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Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment by Embracing Prestashop Addon

An increase in shopping cart abandonment is certainly giving jitters to numerous e-commerce organizations around the world. They are not only affecting product sales but are also affecting the global reputation of the business organizations. Online shoppers are leaving their shopping cart orders in the middle and are not making a product purchase due to several reasons.

Some of the most common reasons for these shopping cart abandonments are the complex checkout process, insecure online payment method, the appearance of the hidden charges during the final payment option, and other such factors. But, this grave situation is going to change soon due to the emergence of this Prestashop Abandoned Cart plugin. Here are a few reasons that can explain why it is making so much noise in the e-commerce business segment. Additionally, it will help you reduce shopping cart abandonment.

Send manual and auto-triggered reminders

The plugin is capable to send manual as well as auto-triggered reminder emails to customers who have abandoned shopping carts. With the reminder email, you can inform them about the left-out cart including the previous purchases. It is a very useful feature as there are numerous store admins that are not comfortable with CRON configuration, hence they can use the manual email reminder option.

Track abandoned carts of guest customers and existing customers

The Prestashop Abandoned Cart module has a feature through which you can easily capture the email IDs of the guest shoppers from the checkout page. Now you can send reminder emails to guest customers to reduce shopping cart abandonment. So, the module is capable to handle both, guest shopping cart abandonments besides the regular logged-in customers’ shopping cart abandonment.

Customize abandoned cart reminder emails

With this plugin, store admins can easily target their abandoned shopping cart customers effectively by sending personalized reminder email messages in the native language of the customers. Further, selecting different email templates, using email translation features, the addition of dynamic content, and other such tailored email tactics can increase the effectiveness and readability of your reminder emails to a great extent.

Show abandoned cart pop-ups and send Push notifications

The popup provides a list of abandoned cart items as well as a discount coupon code that consumers can use to save money. You can build and change as many reminder popup templates as you like with the PrestaShop Cart Abandoned Addon. The popup’s content can also be customized by the administrator. The PrestaShop Abandoned Cart module shows a popup to alert customers about the things they left in their carts but did not purchase. When customers are not logged into your store, the PrestaShop admin will give them a web browser alert notification. They can also track whether or not customers have clicked on the notification.

Easy recovery of the abandoned shopping cart

Now, the customers can easily recover their abandoned shopping carts by clicking on a checkout button on reminder emails. Further, any available shopping coupon on the email will automatically be added to the checkout process for increasing the completion rate of the pending abandoned shopping cart orders.

Provides detailed information about the shopping cart abandonment rate

This Prestashop module provides detailed abandoned shopping cart information to store owners in the form of graphs and statistical data. By studying this information, business organizations can easily decide if their efforts are paying desired results or not. They can make necessary changes in their business strategies to reduce the number of shopping cart abandonments.

This Prestashop Abandoned Cart plugin is definitely the true worth of its price and can reduce shopping cart abandonment on your e-commerce store. So, order this great plugin from our e-commerce store now and improve your conversion rates to a great extent. You would not be disappointed with your purchase at all.

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