1.0 Introduction
As a shopper, you’ve probably abandoned plenty of carts yourself. As a retailer, you often wish that more people would actually complete a purchase instead of leaving their carts behind. But can you do anything about eCommerce cart abandonment, and win back some of those lost sales?
You certainly can, but there are a lot of different areas to navigate and improve.
What is cart abandonment?
Cart abandonment is when an online shopper adds at least one product to their cart and then exits without making a purchase. Abandonment rates are staggeringly high — demonstrating the huge revenue opportunity to win back these shoppers and make a sale.
Why cart abandonment should be a top priority for online retailers?
69.23% –– that’s the average percentage of the customers who will put something in a cart on your site and then just up and leave without ever purchasing.
58.6% –– that’s the percentage of people who say they’ve abandoned a cart within the last 3 months because “I was just browsing / not ready to but”. These people likely won’t ever even initiate your checkout flow.
But for the 41.6% of other abandoned carts, many people will begin your checkout flow. Why does this matter? Because when a customer begins the checkout flow, they must first enter their email. And, when you have their email, you can trigger an abandoned cart series to bring that customer back and earn their sale.
To convert the abandoned cart into purchases is a difficult task and requires a lot of efforts.
Here by Opencart Abandoned cart module we simplify this process for you. This module allows the Admin to view all the abandoned carts and take actions accordingly. Admin can create their own e-mail template, be it a discounted e-mail or non-discounted e-mail and send it to the customer automatically through this module.
Salient Features of the OpenCart Abandoned Cart extension:
- The extension analyzes the behavior of the online shoppers and tracks and marks the abandoned carts on the online store.
- With the extension, the store admin can modify the follow-up email templates and can make as many new templates as he wants from the admin interface.
- The extension offers discounted and non-discounted email templates. The admin can highlight an attractive discount and a coupon code in the email to convince buyers to purchase the products.
- The store admin has to set a time-delay after which the extension automatically sends the follow-up email to the customers. The store admin doesn’t have to send the reminder emails manually.
- The e-merchant can check and see all the captured abandoned carts and the converted carts through sending emails in the back-end of the extension.
- With the awesome Analytics tab, the store owner can compare the total abandoned carts with the total converted carts and can make new strategies to increase the converted carts.
- The extension offers a Test mode option by which the store admin can test and review the reminder emails by sending them to a given test email address.
- The extension is mobile responsive and offers multi-language support.
- The e-merchant can also view and check all the coupons which are generated by the extension. The admin can check how many coupons have been used by the customers and how many are still unused.
2.0 Installation Guide
Before starting the installation process, you have to buy the Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders by the Knowband store. Once purchased, you will receive the following files on your registered email.
Source code of Opencart Abandoned cart extension in zipped file format.
User Manual of Opencart Abandoned cart extension.
Now in order to install this on your online shop, follow the given steps:
Step 1: Unzip the zip file. You will get the folders as shown in the image below
Step 2: Go to Extensions and then Installer. From here, you can upload the “kbabandoned_cart.ocmod” file and install the extension.
So Opencart Abandoned cart Module, is now successfully installed and is ready to use at your store. Go to the admin menu and click on the extensions. Choose the Extension Type as Modules. You will find a list of modules. Select the Knowband Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders.
3.0 Useful Cron Instructions
3.1 Reasons/Cases when the email is not sent to the customers
A. Email Id is not available (Guest customer)
B. If the cart does not satisfy the condition of serial reminders
If the minimum cart value is greater than the abandoned cart value. For example, the minimum cart amount is $50 and the abandoned cart amount is $45. It will not send a reminder in this case.
If the delay is set to one day, so the reminders will not be sent to the customers whose carts are abandoned for less than a day.
C. If you have not setup the Cron properly or if the Cron is not working.
3.2 Types of Crons
There are two types of cron that run every hour.
1. Cron to update the Abandoned cart: This cron runs every hour.
For example, suppose if the cron runs at 11:05, 12:05…..and so on and you have set “Mark Abandoned Cart” as 1 hour. When cron runs at 11:05 it will add all the abandoned cart created between 9:05 to 10:05. If you have set “Mark Abandoned Cart” as 0 hours then it will add all the abandoned cart created between 10:05 to 11:05.
2. Cron to send a reminder email: This cron also runs after every hour.
For example, suppose the cron runs at 11:11, 12:11…..and so on and you have set the Reminder for 1 day and ‘Mark Abandoned Cart’ as 1 Hour. When cron runs at 11:11 then the emails will be sent to all the abandoned carts between 9:11 to 10:11 of the previous day. If you have set Reminder for 2 days and ‘Mark Abandoned Cart’ as 0 hour then the emails will be sent to all the abandoned cart between 10:11 to 11:11 of the day before yesterday.
3.3 Procedure to configure CRON job
3.3.1 What is a cron?
A cron is a service that allows a user to automatically execute a script at a specific time.
For example, you can set a particular PHP script to be automatically executed every day at midnight.
Add the cron to your store via control panel/putty to send reminder mail automatically
Example URLs to Add the Cron via Control Panel
Cron setup via SSH
10 * * * * wget -O /dev/null https://octest1.knowband.com/2.3/index.php?route=kbabandoned_cart/kbabandoned_cart/cron
5 * * * * wget -O /dev/null https://octest1.knowband.com/2.3/index.php?route=kbabandoned_cart/kbabandoned_cart/updateAbandonedCart

4.0 Admin Interface of OpenCart Abandoned cart extension
To configure the Abandoned cart email follow-up extension for OpenCart, Navigate the settings in the following order:
Admin Panel > Extensions >Modules> Abandoned Cart Serial Reminders
The Admin Interface of OpenCart Abandoned cart recovery email extension includes the following main settings:
- General Settings
- E-mail Templates
- Serial Reminders
- View Abandoned Cart
- View Converted Cart
- Analytics
- Coupons
- Support
4.0.1 General Settings
Through this setting of OpenCart Abandoned Cart Serial Reminder, you can enable/disable the whole module by just one click. The screen will look like as shown below:
4.0.2 E-mail Templates
Through this setting of OpenCart Abandoned Cart Serial Reminder, you can add an e-mail Template in the module which will be used when you sent an e-mail reminder to your customers. The screen will look like as shown below:
Edit an E-mail Template: You can Edit an existing E-mail Template using the Edit option. The screens for Editing E-mail Template will be same as Adding an E-mail Template. The only difference will be that Edit will have the fields already filled.
Delete an E-mail Template: You can delete an E-mail Template by clicking on the ‘Trash’ Icon. A pop up will show up asking for the Confirmation. You can click yes and the E-mail Template will be deleted.
Add an E-mail Template: You can add an E-mail Template by Clicking on the option provided on the Top of the Page. The following screen will show up:
4.0.3 Serial Reminders
This setting of OpenCart Abandoned Cart Serial Reminder allows you to send e-mail reminders to your customers after a specific time (which will be set by you) of their Cart Abandonment.
The screen will look like as shown below:
Edit a Serial Reminder: You can Edit an existing Serial Reminder using the Edit option. The screens for Editing Serial Reminder will be same as Adding a Serial Reminder. The only difference will be that Edit will have the fields already filled.
Delete a Serial Reminder: You can delete a Serial Reminder by clicking on the ‘Trash’ Icon. A pop up will show up asking for the Confirmation. You can click yes and the Serial Reminder will be deleted.
Add a Serial Reminder: You can add a Serial Reminder by Clicking on the option provided on the Top of the Page. The following screen will show up if the E-mail Type is Discount:
The following screen will show up to Add a Serial Reminder in Opencart Abandoned cart email follow-up extension if the E-mail Template type is Non-Discount:
4.0.4 Abandoned Cart
Through this setting of OpenCart Abandoned cart recovery email extension, you can send e-mails to the customers who have left their cart abandoned. You can view the list of all the abandoned cart customers in this setting and send them Discounted/ Non-Discounted E-mails. The screen will look like as shown below:
Update Abandoned Cart: This button is given at the Top of the Settings. You can click on this button to run Cron and the number of Products in abandoned cart will be shown to you. This number will be the updated number since you last updated the Abandoned Cart List.
After clicking on the Button you need to refresh the Page and the updated list will be shown to you.
Send Non-Discounted E-mail: When you will click on the bell Icon, then a pop up will show on the screen from where you can send a Non-Discounted e-mail to the customer. This e-mail will act as a reminder to the customer reminding them of the products they have left in their cart. The following screen will show up when you will click on the Icon:
Send Discounted E-mail: When you will click on the Gift Icon, then a pop up will show on the screen from where you can send a Discounted e-mail to the customer. The following screen will show up when you will click on the Icon:
View Customer’s Cart: When you will click on the cart Icon of OC Abandoned Cart Serial Reminder, then a pop up will show on the screen from where you can view the products in the customer’s Cart. The following screen will show up when you will click on the Icon:
Delete an Abandoned Cart: You can delete an Abandoned Cart by clicking on the ‘Cross’ Icon. A pop up will show up asking for the Confirmation. You can click yes and the Abandoned Cart will be deleted.
4.0.5 Converted Carts
The Converted Cart tab of Opencart Cart Abandoned extension by Knowband, enlists all converted orders for registered customers or we can say that the abandoned carts for whom order has been placed after the reminder mail are sent. The screen will look like as shown below:
You can also view the details of the order that is placed using the abandoned cart by clicking on the “Action Button” in front of the desired converted cart.
4.0.6 Analytics
Analytics setting of OpenCart Abandoned cart recovery email extension will show the graphical representation of comparison for Abandoned Vs Converted Cart. Through this setting, you will not have to calculate anything, you can view the comparison in easy graphical format. The following graphs will be show to you:
Number of Abandoned Cart Vs Converted Carts:
Abandoned Cart Amount Vs Converted Cart Amount:
Abandoned Cart Count Vs Converted Cart Count Monthwise:

4.0.7 Coupons
Through this setting of Opencart Abandoned cart email follow-up extension, you can view the list of all the coupons which are sent to the customers in the E-mail.
You can filter out the Coupons on the basis of Used and Unused. The screen will look like as shown below:

4.0.8 Support
In case of any issue, drop an email to support@knowband.com OR click here to raise the ticket.
Buy OpenCart Abandoned Cart extension: https://www.knowband.com/opencart-abandoned-cart
Admin Demo: https://opencartdemo.knowband.com/3.0/abandoned_cart/admin/
Front Demo: https://opencartdemo.knowband.com/3.0/abandoned_cart/
OpenCart Abandoned Cart extension from the OpenCart Marketplace: https://www.opencart.com/index.php?route=marketplace/extension/info&extension_id=37523