Objectives of the blog After reading this blog we will be able to understand the process to fetch data from Firebase. This process includes installation of Firebase SDK and implementation of code to fetch data from Firebase. Pre-requisites We need to write swift code to fetch the data from Firebase. For this first we will […]
How to remove extra space between the Navigation Bar and the Scroll View?

Objectives of the blog After reading this blog we will be able to understand the reason for the extra space between top Navigation Bar and Scroll View in iOS app in versions iOS 7 to iOS 10. Problem Statement When we add a scroll view or table view (any scrollable view) in a view controller […]
How to save data to Firebase in Swift Language (iOS)?

Objectives of the blog After reading this blog we will be able to install the Firebase SDK in your project and write code to save data to Firebase database along with the creation of the Firebase project. Benefits of Using Firebase Database It doesn’t matter whether you are working on a small project or your […]