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4 Ways One Page Checkout can Help Optimize the eCommerce Store

One of the main objective of any store owner is to provide the customers with a better shopping experience. The eCommerce companies need to provide better connectivity to the customers with the web store. At the same time, in order to get a better and a larger traffic on the web store, a flawless transaction needs to be ensured. The online shoppers prefers to make purchases only if the web store offers easy approach and with minimal efforts.

One of the feature which enhances the user experience of the web store is One page checkout. The one page checkout functionality can be added to a Prestashop site with the help of Prestashop one page super checkout addon. The same extension is available for Magento, Opencart and other eCommerce platforms as well. The one page checkout extension enables the customers to complete their transaction and make the product purchase under the same page. The one step checkout is one of the best feature for reducing the exit rate at the checkout page. The customers are annoyed if they are redirected to lengthy checkout process in order to complete the purchasing. Thus, one page checkout makes sure that the customers can complete the purchase by filing up all the necessary details in one single page and provides the customers with easy approach to complete the purchase.

Let us discuss some ways in which super page checkout can help in optimizing the eCommerce stores.

1.  Better approach

The one step checkout is an easier approach provided to the customers to complete the transactions. The customers doesn’t have to be redirected to different pages in order to make purchase. The customers will like the idea of one page checkout as it reduces the time and effort consumed in reloading the web pages. The one page checkout even ensures the seller that they are able to enhance the much-needed the user experience, especially when they are a step away from making the payment.

2.  Convincing

The idea of using super page checkout is more convincing than the traditional idea where the customers has to be jumped from page to page filling out all the details. By using one step checkout module the seller can help the customer to make purchase and complete the process and save some healthy amount of their time and efforts. A better and convincing approach which helps the seller to directly interact with the customers and compel them to complete the transaction. The one page checkout helps in boosting the sales and generate immediate conversions.

3.  Time saving

The whole idea of shopping online is to save their time on transaction. About 1 in every 3 transactions gets canceled by the customers due to the time consumed during checkout. Hence, the stores must make sure that the customers doesn’t have to send a lot of time while trying to complete the transaction process. The one step checkout helps the customer in saving the time, while the seller can generate better sales and at the same time the rate of conversions are increased significantly.

4.  Instant purchase

One of the best feature provided by the super page checkout is instant purchase. Mostly a regular customer would store the necessary details of all the payment methods he chose. Thus, the store has already access to basic information of the customer’s account. Thus, all that customer needs to do is enter the security code and PIN number to complete the payment. The one step checkout encourages the idea of instant purchase.


The process of purchasing becomes little tough for the customers at many occasions. Thus, the web stores must always come up with better and innovative options to make the purchase of the customer easy and simple. Therefore, using different modules help ensures easy checkout and flawless transaction. The one page checkout helps in making it easy for the customers and at the same time enables the seller to boost the sales.

For more Information About Prestashop One Page Supercheckout module visit here:-

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