OpenCart Mobile App Builder – User Manual

Develop FlutterOpenCart Mobile App for your eCommerce store with KnowBand’s OpenCart Mobile App Builder & start observing a sudden growth in your store conversions & sales.

1.0 Introduction

If you are an OpenCart website owner & currently selling products on your website, try KnowBand’s automated mobile apps solution & take your business to the mobile world. The OpenCart Mobile App Builder is the pre-configured framework designed to develop FlutterAndroid & iOS apps for your online website. This ready-to-go mobile app solution is the most advanced & smartest solution to own a pair of fully functional Android & iOS stores without any coding or technical skills.

KnowBand has made a mark in the eCommerce industry as a leading mobile app provider for almost all the major eCommerce platforms. Its OpenCart Mobile App Builder is the easiest way to build feature-packed OpenCart Mobile Apps in just 3 simple steps:

1. Purchase the OpenCart Mobile App Builder extension.

2. Share the app-related specifications & requirements.

3. Get your own FlutterOpenCart Apps in 2-3 days.

We, at KnowBand, are an exceptionally skilled and proficient pool of programmers, designers, and other involved professionals. We can deliver an OpenCart mobile app that closely matches your personal expectations and business requirements. If you are not sure about the utility of this mobile app for your OpenCart store, let us throw some light on this amazing OpenCart Mobile App Builder.

1.1 Prominent Features of OpenCart Mobile App Builder:

Following are some of the major features you’ll get in your OpenCart Mobile Apps:

–> Customizable Home Screen Layout (Complete Flexibility)

–> Store Branding–>WhatsApp Chat Support (24*7)

–> Google & Facebook Login

–> OTP & Fingerprint Login

–> Both Tablet & Mobile Support

–> Android 4.2 and Up Android Version Support

–> iOS 9 And Up iOS Version Support*

–> Automatic Inventory Update

–> Multiple Color & Font Choices

–> Multi-lingual & RTL (Right To Left) Support

–> Multi-currency Support

–> All Product Type Support

–> Website Payment Method Supported on Apps

–> Website Shipping Method Supported on Apps

–> Custom Payment Method Integration

–> Unlimited Push Notifications

–> Product Social Sharing Options

–> Multiple Filtering & Sorting Options

–> Wishlist Functionality

–> Website Coupon/Vouchers Supported on Apps.

–> Simplified Checkout Screen

–> Real-time Order Tracking

–> Seamless Accordion Menu

–> Clear-cut Product & Category Screen

Also, watch the video on the New Features of Knowband’s Mobile App Builders:

1.2 Recent Enhancements in Opencart Mobile App Builder!

1. Dynamic Position of the Signup-Login Popup in Home Page Layout: Admins can now customize the position of the signup-login popup on the home page, offering a more flexible user experience.

2. Enhanced Review Pages:

  • Write Review: Simplified process for customers to leave feedback.
  • Read Review: Improved interface for browsing reviews.
  • Review on Product Page: Reviews are now more accessible directly on product pages.

3. Video in Banner Elements: We have introduced video options in the banners available for the app’s home page layout. Now, the admin can add a YouTube video or can also upload a video below 2 MB for the square, horizontal, grid, and countdown banner components.

4. Push Notification Updates: Recently Firebase has officially deprecated the older cloud messaging API. Due to that the admin configurations now support uploading Firebase key JSON files for better management.

5. CMS and Layout Redirection in Banners and Category Elements: Banners and category elements available in the home page layout now support redirection to CMS and multi-layered layouts.

6. Automatic Banner Sliding in Horizontal Banner Slider: Horizontal banner sliders now feature automatic sliding, improving user engagement. The admin can also add the time difference on which he wants to slide the banners automatically.

7. List and Grid View for Product Listing Screen: Users can toggle between list and grid views on the product listing screen for more convenient browsing. This new feature not only improves the UI but also provides more convenience to the customers while browsing the products.

8. Common Notification by Admin: Admins can now send common notifications to all users, ensuring important messages reach everyone. Furthermore, customers can check all the past notifications in the notification tab available in the app.

9. Custom Banner Element in Home Page Layout: Now, the Opencart admin can upload banners of any size, offering greater customization of the home page.

10. Redirection in Top Category Element: Top category elements now support redirection to specific layouts, improving user navigation.

Knowband's OpenCart Mobile App Builder

Knowband’s OpenCart Mobile App Builder

The OpenCart Mobile App Builder by Knowband helps you create a mobile app for your store without coding. Easily turn your website into a user-friendly app!


2.0 OpenCart Mobile App Demo

KnowBand offers a demo of OpenCart Mobile Apps before actual mobile app development. We have brought free of cost demo for all the eCommerce store owners out there.

2.1 View Our Demo Store working on Apps

Take a look at our app functionalities with our demo OpenCart Mobile Apps. We have integrated our demo store with the app in order to let you explore the app working. All you need to do is to follow these simple instructions:

Step 1: Download and install the Nautica OpenCart Mobile App on your testing device. Here, are the links to OpenCart Demo Apps:–> Apple App Store–> Google Play Store

Step 2: Open the App and tap the “View Demo” button being displayed on the splash screen. Enter some relevant details like Name, E-mail & Store URL & experience our demo store running on the demo app.

Note: To access the Admin Panel of KnowBand’s OpenCart Mobile App Builder on our demo store, visit here.

2.2 View Your Store working on Demo Apps

Want to test your own store on the demo apps. Well, we made even that possible with 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Download & install FREE OpenCart Mobile App Builder plugin on your OpenCart website.

Step 2: Install the Demo Apps (links in the previous section) on your mobile testing device. Open the App & enter your website URL in “View Your Store”.

Step 3: Tap “View Your Store” and start experiencing your own store on OpenCart Demo apps.

Note: This Free version of Mobile App Builder is just for the demo purpose & no APK/IPA files will be provided with this module. In order to get your own APK/IPA files, you need to purchase the paid version of the OpenCart Mobile App Builder.

3.0 Build OpenCart Mobile App in 3 Simple Steps

Once you are satisfied with the demo apps working, it’s time to build your own mobile apps. The process to develop mobile apps with OpenCart Mobile App Builder is only a matter of these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Purchase & Install Module on your website.

Download zipped OpenCart Mobile App Builder & install the same on your store using your store FTP details.

Step 2: Share your App Specifications

Share your App details/requirements with us through our pre-requisites form.

Step 3: Get Your Android & iOS Apps in 1-2 days

Our skilled & professional developers would get back to you with your apps in just 1-2 days.

Note: You can publish these APK/IPA files on respective app stores. Refer following links for the same:

How to publish an Android app on the Google Play Store?

How to publish an iOS app on the Apple App Store?

If there is any issue while publishing the app on respective stores, we would get it done for you.

4.0 Admin Panel Screens

Once the OpenCart Mobile App Builder is installed on the website, let’s take a look at its backend panel configuration. First of all, go to Extensions>>Modules>>KnowBand Mobile App Creator & click on configure option. It will bring the following interfaces to you:

4.1 General Settings:

General Settings

a) Status: Enable/disable the OpenCart Mobile App Builder module to make the apps work on mobile devices.

b) Enable Back in Stock: This option allows the admin to enable/disable Knowband’s back-in-stock module in the apps.

c) Font Style: This option provides multiple font styles to suit your app’s appearance.

d) Show Add to Cart Button on Product Grid: If you want to show/hide the “add to cart” button from the product listing pages, you can manage the same from this button.

e) Mandatory Phone Number at Registration: Make the mobile number field optional/mandatory on the app’s sign-up page from here.

f) Redirect on Cart Page when Add to Cart: If you want users to directly redirect to the cart page upon clicking on the “add to cart” button, you can enable this option from here.

g) Enable Notification List Feature: This button allows the store admin to enable/disable the notification feature in the Android and iOS apps.

h) Enable Sing-up Pop-up: You can enable/disable the login pop-up for the non-logged-in customers in the app.

i) Enable Request Log Reporting: Enable the error log on mobile apps. This log file is used when the app shows any error or abnormal behavior.

j) Select Layout for Home Page: Choose the desired layout for your app home screen. You can create multiple layouts under the Home Page Layout tab.

k) Enable WhatsApp Chat Support: Enable/disable the WhatsApp chat option on mobile apps.

l) App Button Color: Choose the button color for your apps.

m) App Theme Color: Choose the theme color for your apps.

n) App Button Text Color: Choose a button-text color for your apps.

o) App Background Color: Choose a background color for your apps.

App Background Color

p) Enable Logo: Enable the logo in your mobile apps. You can upload the logo image which will be displayed on the header of the mobile apps.

q) Fingerprint Login: Enable/disable fingerprint login in mobile apps.

r) Phone Number Login: Enable/disable phone no login in the mobile apps.

s) Disabled Shipping Methods: Disable the shipping methods that you do not want to display in the apps.

4.2 Payment Methods:

The OpenCart Mobile App Creator offers additional COD payment option to make the payments easier in the apps. The mobile apps with this extension already support web-view payment options in mobile apps.

The OpenCart Mobile App Creator offers additional COD payment option to make the payments easier in the apps. The mobile apps with this extension already support web-view payment options in mobile apps.

4.3 Push Notifications:

Push notification in Knowband Mobile App creator

a) Service Account Json: In order to set-up the push notification in both the Android and iOS app, you will have to add the google_services.json file in this section. You can get the same in your Firebase account or can also ask the Knowband support team for the JSON file for your Firebase project.

b) Order Success Notification: Configure an automated order creation push notification which would be sent automatically on the user’s apps who successfully create an order.

c) Order Status Update Notification: Configure an order status update notification which would be sent automatically to the users whenever there is an update in order delivery status.

d) Abandoned Cart Notification: Configure automated abandoned cart notification which would be sent automatically to the users who left their products in the cart.

e) Send Notification: The store admin can even send manual notifications & highlight any deal or discount to the mobile app users.

e) Send Notification: The store admin can even send manual notifications & highlight any deal or discount to the mobile app users.

4.4 Information Pages:

This tab of the OpenCart Mobile App Maker allows you to manage the CMS pages on the apps. You can customize the name and landing page of various CMS along with their sort order. New pages can also be added from here if there is a requirement.

4.5 Home Page Layout:

The OpenCart Mobile App Builder allows you to create & save various intuitive & appealing layouts for your mobile app home screen.

The OpenCart Mobile App Builder allows you to create & save various intuitive & appealing layouts for your mobile app home screen. After adding the layout, click on Edit option & start adding & configuring various elements for your app home screen.



The store admin can configure the following design elements on the mobile app home screen:

Top Categories:

These are the categories displayed on the top of the home screen in the form of squares. You can configure their images & landing pages from the backend. Maximum 8 such categories are added of which 4 are mandatory.

Top Categories:

Square Banner:

You can offer a square-shaped banner on the home screen of OpenCart Mobile App whose image & landing page link can set from the backend.

Square Banner:

Sliding Banner:

These are the sliders for your home screen which can be configured from the module backend.

Sliding Banner

Sliding Banner:

Grid Banner:

These are the banners for the app home screen displayed in the form of a grid listing & can be customized accordingly.

Grid Banner

Countdown Banner

The OpenCart Mobile App Maker offers a count-down timer banner in your mobile apps. You can configure the banner image, landing page, and timer from the backend.

Countdown Banner

Square Products:

You can even list the products in square listing on the mobile app home screen.

Square Products:

Sliding Products

The products can be displayed in the slider view on the mobile app Home Screen & can be configured from backend panel.

Sliding Products

Grid Products:

The products can be displayed in the grid view on the home screen.

Grid Products:

Products Recently Accessed:

The OpenCart Mobile App Creator offers the recent products tab on the mobile app home screen which displays recent products viewed by the user. You can just add the element in your layout to display the same on the home screen.

Login/Sign up Pop-up:

The Opencart admin can encourage the customers to keep their account logged in in the apps by showing a dynamic login/sign-up pop-up on the home page of the app.

Note: The store admin can add up to 20 elements while designing the layout in the backend panel.  

5.0 Mobile App Screens:

5.1 Home Screen:

The OpenCart Mobile App Builder offers a dynamic home screen in the mobile apps which can be easily designed from the backend panel. The store admin gets the complete flexibility to design & craft the home screen as per his/her choice. The OpenCart Mobile App Builder offers the following designing elements:

–> Top Categories

–> Square Banners

–> Sliding Banners

–> Grid Banners

–> Square Products

–> Sliding Products

–> Grid Products

–> Countdown Timer Banner

–> Recently Viewed Products

-> Login/sign up Pop-up.

The positioning of these attributes can also be changed as well just with simple drag & drop.

a) Dynamic Layouts: Craft alluring home screen layouts on your own which connect with the users & compel them to make the purchase.

b) Website Logo: Add your store logo in the module backend & display the same on the header of the app.

c) Search: The search option in the OpenCart Mobile App allows the users to search for products without any hassle. Keyword makes it easier for the buyers to get the right product in the least time.

d) Wishlist: Wishlist option in the OpenCart Mobile App lets you bookmark the products regarding future purchase.

e) Shopping Cart: The users can access the shopping cart from the top-right corner of the home screen.

f) WhatsAppYour OpenCart Mobile App users can directly contact you regarding any query or concern through WhatsApp chat option on the home screen.

5.2 Accordion Menu (Navigation Bar)

The OpenCart Mobile Apps for Android & iOS come up with easy to use categorization of your store products. The online shoppers get to browse all the categories in the navigation bar along with all CMS pages.

The Accordion menu categories are the same as of your store & it provides the following options:

My Account: The My Account screen of OpenCart Mobile App contains all the user information like Personal Details, Shipping Address(s) & Order Details. There is even an option for the users to register their fingerprints. The online shoppers get to view complete personal details from here & update the password as well.

Categories: All your store categories are fetched on the mobile apps as well. Offer a multi-level categorization to your app users & let them browse products with ease.

CMS Pages: All of your website CMS pages like About Us, Contact Us, Terms & Conditions, etc will be displayed here.

5.3 Category Screen:


All sorts of categorizations available on your the OpenCart stores will be displayed in the mobile apps as well. The category screen has two views: Grid & List view. The product image, name, and price is displayed for all product listings. The mobile apps with OpenCart Mobile App Maker have multiple filter & sorting options which simplify product search for the users.

Sort: Sort option in OpenCart Mobile Apps allow the users to view products in Low to High or High to Low category.

Filter: Filter down the category products with various attributes like price, cost etc. & search desired products without any efforts.

5.4 Product Screen:


The product screen of the OpenCart Mobile App is as simple & easy-to-use as it could get. Every product has multiple images displayed along with its name & price. The product availability is also displayed as “In Stock” or “Out Of Stock”. The product screen has the following other options:

Product Options: Various options related to the product like size, color, etc. are displayed on the product screen. These options are the same as available on your website.

Short Description: Users get to read the short description of your product to quickly make up their minds. The OpenCart Mobile App displays both short & full descriptions of the products.

Product Info & Care: All the information related to the specific product is displayed under this section. This is the same information as of the website.

Add To Wishlist: The users can even add the products into the wishlist bag from here. The products added in wishlist are bookmarked for the future purchase.

Add To Cart: The Add To Cart button allows you to add product in the cart which can be processed further in successful order creation.

Product Social Sharing: The OpenCart Mobile App has the option to share the products on different social platforms, Bluetooth & e-mail. The users can share the products with their friends & relatives & bring potential users to your store.

5.5 Wishlist Screen:


The OpenCart Mobile App Builder has a wishlist bag allowing the users to bookmark products for future purchases. The users can view the list of all wishlist products from this screen. It has the following options:

Add To Cart:

The app users can add the wishlist product directly into shopping cart with Add To Cart option.

5.6 Login Screen

The OpenCart Mobile App Creator offers various one-tap login options & make sign-in/registration process more seamless:

Login Screen

Login: The app users can authenticate & access OpenCart Mobile Apps using e-mail sign-in credentials.

Sign Up: All the new users can sign-up & create their account on the store from the mobile App. The sign-up form of the OpenCart Mobile App is fully uncluttered.

Login with Phone Number: Your OpenCart Mobile App comes up with a phone number login option as well which allows users to verify OTP & log in without any hassle.

Login with Fingerprint: Your app users also get an option to log in with a fingerprint. This biometric authentication allows the users to login apps in seconds.

Login with Facebook: The users can log in into mobile apps using their Facebook Account Credentials.

Log in with Google: The users can log in into app using their Google Account Credentials.

5.7 Shopping Cart Screen:

The Shopping Cart screen of your OpenCart Mobile App will display all products added into shopping cart.


The app user’s can view Product name, quantity, total price & shipping cost. This screen has the following options:

1. Apply Voucher:This option allows the users to get discounts & offers by entering valid coupons & voucher running on your website.

2. Total Product Price:The users can view the complete cost of their shopping bag which is automatically updated as per any addition in the cart.

3. Update Product Quantity:The users can even update the specific product quantity.

4. Remove Product:The app users can simply remove the product from the cart.

6. Continue To CheckoutThe app users can proceed further to the checkout & payment screens just by tapping the “Continue To Checkout” option. It will re-direct users on the checkout screen.

5.8 Checkout Process:

There is a simplified checkout process in the OpenCart mobile app builder. Details like shipping details, billing details, order numbers, order comments, and others are available for customers in the checkout process of the mobile app.

Orders can be placed by just following a few easy steps on the eCommerce mobile apps.

  1. Users can choose a product and add it to their cart. After clicking on the shopping bag, the customer can select the appropriate amount of a product. In addition, mobile app users can view the total number of products and shipping prices.


At the bottom of the same page, the customer also gets the option to apply any vouchers and coupon codes.

2.  The user can review the order after selecting the Continue to Checkout option and can see various details. Such as product pricing, shipping cost, shipping address (editable on the same page), order summary (number of products), and total price.


Moreover, the customer can choose their preferred shipping method on the same page. In addition, the user can specify any particular requests or requirements in the order comment field at the bottom of the screen.

3. After clicking on the continue to checkout option, the front end mobile app user will be redirected to the payment method screen. On this screen, customers can choose from all the payment alternatives available on the e-commerce website. The Android and iOS apps consist of a cash-on-delivery payment option by default.


4. Once the user has completed the online payments, he or she will be forwarded to the order summary screen. In which, the customer can view the order status, order number, and amount, along with other information. The order confirmation popup message will also appear on the screens of mobile app users.




5.9 Payment Screen:

The payment screen on OpenCart Mobile App displays both web-view & Flutterapp payment methods. The OpenCart Mobile Apps supports all sorts of website payment options along with PayPal & COD payment methods. Moreover, various other native payment options like PayU, Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Braintree, Stripe etc. can also be added in your mobile app over a fair price.

5.10 My Account Screen


My Account screen of the OpenCart Android/iOS App allows the users to view the complete account details including a list of all previous orders by just tapping on my orders option. My Account screen has the following other options:

Order History:The users get to know about complete order details created on the app. The order creation date, reference, price & delivery status is available on this screen.

Update Profile:Users can also update their pre-saved profile details like First or last name, phone number & password.

Shipping Address(s):The app users can see the complete list of saved Shipping Addresses. New Shipping address can also be added from here.

Order Details:The app users can view the complete list of the previously placed orders from the app.

Re-order feature:There is a direct re-order functionality allowing the users to repeat the order just by clicking the “Re-order” button

5.11 Order Detail Screen

Order details screen of OpenCart Android & iOS App provides complete order detail such as shipping address, product summary, shipping and payment method, and total cost summary. This order detail is of the previous order placed by you. The users can even track the delivery of previously placed orders directly from this screen.


6.0 Advanced OpenCart Marketplace with Mobile App

KnowBand’s OpenCart Marketplace converts your online website into a fully-fledged marketplace. The OpenCart Mobile App Builder is fully compatible with OpenCart Marketplace extension. This means you can bring the entire marketplace listing on the same OpenCart Android & iOS Mobile Apps. Thus, launch a pair of Marketplace-compatible Mobile Apps with KnowBand & attract a large base of sellers & customers to your store.

–> As the user clicks on the Seller option, he/she is redirected to the Seller page of the mobile store. The user can view the list of the sellers of the marketplace along with their ratings.

–> The customers can click on the name of the seller in order to see his profile and the product being offered. The sellers can log in with their username and password. They are then redirected to the dashboard.

Get to know more about OpenCart Marketplace with Mobile App.

That’s it! For More Info on KnowBand’s OpenCart Mobile App Builder.

You can check out the free version of OpenCart Mobile App Builder for Android, and free OpenCart Mobile App Builder for iOS

OpenCart Mobile App Builder for Android and iOS – Video Tutorial

Joe Parker

We boast of the best in the industry plugins for eCommerce systems and has years of experience working with eCommerce websites. We provide best plugins for platforms like - Magento, Prestashop, OpenCart and Shopify. We also provide custom module development and customization services for the website and modules.

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