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How to Increase Ecommerce Sales with Great Product Description

The product description is the most valuable element of the product page for an eCommerce website. It is important from a marketing point of view and it explains why the product is worth buying.

It is what convinces the visitor to take the final step- click on ‘add to cart’.

A product description aims to provide valuable information to consumers about the product’s characteristics and benefits so that they are forced to purchase.

Your product description should convert visitors into buyers, and then only it will be called successful product content. Visuals attract more than the text, hence optimize your product content according to your buyer persona.

To build scannable content, you can include short bullet points in your product descriptions for easy reading. Add concise content with limited sentences describing the commodity. Instead of exaggerating benefits, truthful material explains the product frankly.

The following article will be a complete guide for a product description that sells.

1.     A unique crystal clear product description

The product description should concentrate on their single value proposition, i.e. their primary benefit.

An average user just spends 15 seconds on your product page, as you already know, so it’s time to be impactful.

Sell advantages, not attributes, which means you have to highlight the outcome, not the object.

Clearly, consumers expect your product to achieve something and you have to persuade them that they can.

Add a size description or you can put a size chart if selling merchandise; this also reduces the product returns.

Prepare a buyer persona with keep things in mind, such as:

This buyer persona will help you decide your target audience and you can put up a product description accordingly.

When writing the product description for an eCommerce, emphasize the product benefits that make it better than others.

2.     Keep the tone easy and understandable:

You will note that depending on the brand, the tone of the product description differs.

That’s a wonderful thing if the explanation of the product sounds like you.

Think of it as conversational or formal for your brand? Do you want to use the fun of tongue-in-cheek or do you keep it more straight-laced?

Maintain the tone and its consistency. Words like “exceptional,” “iconic” and one-of-a-kind” are prominently presented.

The argument is that you ought to be consistent with it, whatever your sound ends up being.

3.     Attractive and high-resolution product images

This is no secret: our brain just loves creative visuals.

The brain handles them more easily than text and allows us to guess the meaning.

In reality, visuals are so profoundly ingrained in our decision-making processes that every e-commerce website should be a priority, period. The product description with images is always attractive than simple text.

Add more than one image of your product because it increases the engagement rate and the customer may get convinced with your product images.

Since we are discussing the product images, you can add the zoom feature’ to the images.

For zooming purposes, you find an alternative where you can pinch-in and pinch-out. You can zoom in by double-tapping the product image on some websites.

4.     Evoke Curiosity

Price is one of the top three reasons why American customers shop from a specific e-commerce platform.

If you give better deals than your rivals, or if you have discounted products in your online shop, make sure that your guests are aware of them.

Contrasting it with the initial price is one way to highlight your price advantage.

FOMO (fear of missing out!) is what you can create because netizens feel anxious when they realize that the same thing won’t be available sometime later and others will have it and they don’t.

You can show the old price and the deal price together on the product description to add some FOMO!

5.     Product videos are compelling

Basically, a product video is the summary of the product in the form of a video in which brands attempt to inform clients about the product, its quality, features, benefits, etc.

A video of a product gives a realistic feeling. The uncertainty about the commodity is minimized. It also generates credibility concerning the company. People recognize that the organization is authoritative and not deceitful. For the majority of searches, Google attempts to screen images.

Read4 Benefits that Highlight the Importance of Product Videos in eCommerce

6.     Show the real image of your product

Not only does an optimized product page help you turn more visitors into clients but adding a real image can do wonders.

By raising the average order value of customers, it can also raise sales. By doing this, the company offers customers a compelling reason to select the more costly option.

The actual images build up trust and establish a brand’s unique identity.

7.     Add social proofs: review and rating

Social evidence comes in a variety of ways. They can be feedback, testimonials of customers, photographs, ratings, etc.

As long as it’s important to your audience, it doesn’t matter what sort of social evidence you use.

For most e-commerce websites, reviews and classic star ratings can do the job. Remember, always display genuine product ratings and reviews.

The fact is most internet customers are used to finding fake reviews, and some studies have also shown that your conversion rate could actually be affected by so many 5-star reviews.

In reality, every client is more likely to purchase from a website that shows reviews of clients. To get more reviews, you can incentivize customers with rewards or coupons for each review.

Note how the company under the purchase button adds “Free & Easy Returns” details.

Read: Why Product Reviews are Important in eCommerce?

Wrap up:

The product description should contain influential words that blow your customer’s mind. Also, optimize your product description copy for Google SEO.

The definition of a product should be concise and to the point.

Try to use keywords that are friendly for search engines. But instead, place them in the product title if you can’t match them in the definition.

If nothing else, concentrate on using terms of power in your explanations to make the object stand out.

Ultimately, you want to create a picture of the product that gives your shoppers the details they need.

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