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How to Write a Welcome Email to Engage Customer?

Looking for an email that can boost customer engagement?

A tailored welcome email can do the thing.

And there are different ways you can make your welcome emails more effective.

These emails, when used correctly, set the tone for the type of relationship you will have with your email subscribers.

Unfortunately, many marketers ignore the impact of welcome emails.

What is a welcome email? It is the first email a subscriber receives after signing up for your email list is known as a welcome email. These messages are usually sent right after someone subscribes to a newsletter or completes a popup form on a website.

Why do you need a welcome email?

You’re making a first impression on behalf of your brand when you send a welcome email to a new blog or newsletter subscriber, or a new client. Videos, special offers, a sign-up form, or just a friendly hello can all be included in welcome emails to help build a relationship with a new customer. A well-crafted welcome email ensures that you make the best first impression possible.

Some Welcome Email Statistics to look upon

  1. Research says, after opt-ins and within the first 24 hours, 45 percent of subscribers make purchases.
  2. They have a higher open rate than any other marketing email, ranging from 50 to 60%.
  3. When compared to standard marketing emails, welcome emails have a 4x open rate and a 5x click-through rate.
  4. 40% of the subscribers read every mail who has read the welcome email.

The welcome email can be very effective and is the first step for building the relationship between your brand and the client. Then why miss the chance?

How to write an effective welcome email?

To create an impactful email, it is necessary to prepare a template that can be used now and in the future. Here is the guide to craft a tailored welcome email.

Before creating your first email, you need to understand your clients and know them to make a better impression.

A welcome email will help you confirm that your subscribers are willing and able to purchase. The aim of this data collection should be to obtain a comprehensive understanding of your subscribers and customers.

Now is the time to write a welcome email that will turn your subscribers into new clients. Never make any mistake in the confirmation email because this is your first email and first impression matters.

When writing a welcome email, keep the following points in mind.

  1. Add a catchy subject line
  2. To entice your recipients, use high-quality visuals and advanced elements,
  3. as well as a compelling email copy and value proposition,
  4. Focus on the client’s pain points and provide solutions
  5. It should have a converting call to action.

While interacting with the client through a welcome email, concentrate on the client’s problems and what solution or service you can provide to help them solve them. Whether you have used the popup for subscription or if they subscribed to the newsletter that clearly says that they are interested in your services.

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What’s the best way to get welcome emails to work for you?

Welcome emails can be a powerful tool for increasing subscriber engagement when used correctly.

Whether it’s a simple newsletter, lead magnet, contest, or content update, use them to welcome new subscribers to your email list.

With a welcome email, you can boost customer engagement on your online store and a wonderful copy will help you build a strong list of subscribers.

Don’t just send a confirmation email but welcome your customers and turn this into an opportunity.

How to get more email subscribers?

Sometimes, getting new email subscribers is not less than a task.  Leverage pop-up forms using pop-up modules on your eCommerce store. KnowBand has designed a few modules for customer engagement and newsletter subscribers. Modules that can offer discounts or deals are a trick that always works in online shopping. To claim these offers, the customer is required to enter the email address and will be motivated to avail the benefits by making a purchase on your online store.  Let’s take a look.

  1. Add gamification plugin Spin to Win, this is the most effective email subscription module and it can boost customer engagement as well as the conversion rate on your eCommerce store. Click here to explore the module.

2. Entice them with Scratch off Coupons that contain a discount code or a flat percentage discount. And, to avail the offer, the customer has to enter the email address.

3. You can also use entry/exit pop-up with greetings and coupon codes at the entry point or on any other page of the website. Pop-ups are very popular for entry and exit pages.

4. I have added the auto-subscribe plugin to the list as it allows the store owner to start the first conversation with the prospect. A visitor who can become a customer soon.

On online platforms, any interaction with the customer starts when they come to your landing page and all these modules add an entry pop-up window on the landing page of your website. These amazing plugins can help you in building your email subscribers list that can be used for welcome email now but in the future for your brand’s marketing.


A healthy list of email subscribers is best for email marketing but before jumping to promotional emails, start with a crafted welcome email. This will be your chance to shine and convert the subscriber into a client. Businesses can’t afford to overlook the value of welcome emails. Following the guidelines outlined above will assist you in accomplishing this goal.