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5 eCommerce tips and tricks to ensure fast growth

In this age of the digital world, awareness has become a prerequisite for every individual and all the industries are growing so rapidly that we never know what becomes trendy like how. The one such industry which has grown manifolds and thanks to the 4G Internet is the eCommerce industry. For those who are not aware of it, the eCommerce industry is one of the fastest growing industries all over the world. And the biggest gift given by this industry is the trend of online shopping ruling the world. Individuals from every corner of this globe are indulged in this process and saving their time and energy. According to Statista, e-retail revenues are projected to grow to 4.88 trillion US dollars in 2021.

However, rapid growth also brought huge competition between different eCommerce merchants. The increase in eCommerce businesses led to the competition heat up between these merchants. This made them responsible to keep pace with some new eCommerce trends especially those involving technical advances to shape consumer behavior.

Here are the 5 tips and tricks to ensure fast growth in eCommerce business:

1. Enhance video content and marketing:

Video marketing is one of the best and most popular ways of content marketing nowadays. As consumers love watching videos nowadays, it’s an easy and fun way to actively engage customers on your eCommerce website resulting in the upliftment of sales and revenues.

To overcome the competition, it’s the most beneficial way to improve your eCommerce growth and take it up to new heights of success. By embedding the videos from social media like youtube or adding video-based design elements, sellers can easily enhance their home page or product page which can attract more customers towards your store.

2. Serve Omnichannel consumers:

In today’s interconnected digital era, customers are searching for their favorite product on more than one online channel or Marketplace. According to Statista, Amazon accounted for 56.1 percent of the segment’s traffic, eBay accounted for 19.5% traffic, Walmart 3.8% and Etsy accounted for 3.5% of traffic. These numbers are clearly the resemblance of the crucial need to serve omnichannel consumers by marketing the products and services on all the available channels or Marketplaces.

Today, it’s easier than before to promote your brand or product online but before that, sellers need to turn their ideas into an eCommerce business. Just be sure to market your website on different platforms like social media, renowned marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, Etsy, Walmart as well as on small retail stores too. Never ever leave an opportunity to promote your brand store in any possible way. And no matter which channel you are selling, always sell genuine and reliable products to build customer’s trust in your brand and eCommerce store too. It will not only help you to increase customer traffic but also differentiate your eCommerce store with others.

3. Mark ways towards success with AI Chatbots:

If you want to give tough competition to other sellers, you can try your hands on the 24/7 assistance feature given by AI empowered chatbots. Customers love immediate response for their queries and chatbots are the perfect solution for this. Automated chatbots can resolve any kind of query of numerous customers at the same time. However, they can’t think outside the box, recognize misspelled words or evaluate incomplete queries as their creativity is limited by the code that created them.

But, thanks to these technological advancements as they have made these chatbots smart and sophisticated too. They are SSL compatible and multilingual too which helps you attain customer satisfaction in regional areas too. Therefore, it will increase the consumer traffic on your website leading to a lump sum amount of sales and revenues.

4. Voice search is a new boon:

It usually happens when customers are unable to write the correct spelling of their desired product and are unable to find it on the website. This leads to a decrease in the conversion rate of the website as the qualified leads also turn into non-qualified ones. Voice search is the new trend in these online stores as it helped many who were unable to write the correct spelling on the search tab. They can just simply speak the name of their product and it will be presented on their mobile screens.

According to Statista, 35 percent of users stated that they would consider purchasing food via their voice assistant in the future. Some latest gadgets for voice search like Google Play, Alexa by Amazon, Amazon Echo, etc. are some of the best innovations for eCommerce platforms. Many online store owners have already adopted the voice search functionality for their online eCommerce business. The advancement of voice search is an outgrowing opportunity when it comes to enhancing your SEO and this could also be enhanced by improving your product description on the website.

5. Safe and secure payment method:

When it comes to checkout, customers believe in a safe and secure checkout and payment method as there are many people who leave the cart abandoned due to the lack of trust which can end up losing potential customers. The final stage of online shopping should be smooth and simple as many people get frustrated due to the complex checkout process and payment gateways.

According to Statista, 69.23 percent of digital shopping carts and baskets were abandoned in the year 2017 and the purchase was not completed. Many times, it is due to the lack of trust in payment gateways on the checkout. So, if you want to improve the conversion rate of your website and want to be an extra edge over other competitors, be sure to provide a simple checkout process and secured payment options. You can apply PrestaShop one page checkout addon on your eCommerce store.

Final Verdict:

As the eCommerce industry continues to evolve, the most important responsibility is to provide a positive consumer shopping experience. Sellers should remain aware of the latest eCommerce trends which include omnichannel marketing, chatbots, video content and marketing, and a simplified checkout and payment process, and it will definitely help you to stand out from your eCommerce competitors.

Competition is at its peak and we have to overcome this. To remain an extra edge over others, KnowBand offers Marketplace integrators that enable sellers to integrate their eCommerce store to some renowned marketplaces like Etsy, eBay, Walmart, Google Shopping and Newegg. You can now list the products and the descriptions at a few button clicks. Thus, it becomes easier to update the details in bulk. Moreover, the attribute mapping becomes a cake-walk with the automated approach. So, integrate your eCommerce store and earn a huge chunk of profits.

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