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6 Effective Ways to Build and Grow your Email List

An email list is of paramount importance for any online business. It contains useful data or customer information that businesses use to market their brand, products and services, or provide some kind of valuable information to their subscribed audience.

Having an email list helps brands reach out to their subscribers and persuade them to take some action. It could be about making them download an ebook or read a blog post, or it could be an announcement of the upcoming sale.

The more people you have in your email list, the more profitable it is for your business. Brands use various tactics to capture the email address of the users. In this article, I have presented 5 ways to build and grow your email list.

But before I begin, let’s try to understand why you require building an email list.

Over the years, emails have proved to be one of the best marketing mediums. Though the impact has slightly diminished with the introduction of social media, email marketing still holds high significance among marketers.

Moreover, it is a globally used marketing strategy and is still a powerful communication channel that can bring you high conversions.

According to some stats collected by Hubspot, 93% of the B2B marketers leverage emails to deliver content and more than 59% of the marketers say email is their biggest ROI source.

Considering the benefits that email bring to your eCommerce business, let’s now shift our focus on how to grow an email list.

1. Use Lead Magnets

A lead magnet is an incentive that businesses offer to prospects in exchange for their contact information such as name and email address. It comes in the form of an email popup and makes it one of the best techniques to grow your email list.

Lead magnets usually contain irresistible offers, and consist of compelling elements to make users drop their email address and grab those offers.

For a lead magnet to deliver the best results, make sure it is adding value or providing some kind of benefits to your visitors. No visitor will turn into your subscriber if they are not getting benefited from it.

2. Grow your Email list using Engaging Popups

Email Popups have more or less been an annoyance for netizens. They disturb the user flow and hinder the user experience.

But popups like Spin and Win have been widely used by online businesses. In fact, the very famous Digital Marketer Neil Patel also used to have the Spin and Win popup on his website.

The reason why this kind of popup is helpful in building your email list is that it adds fun to your approach to collecting email addresses.

You can incorporate this on the home page of your website and ask users to spin the wheel to earn some amazing deals and offers. It not only helps you grow your email list but also increases user engagement.

You can check out the Spin and Win module from our Knowband store. It is available for various eCommerce platforms like PrestaShop, OpenCart, Magento, etc.

Apart from this, you can make use of Exit Popups. They have been effective in capturing the email address of the visitors as they tend to appear only when the user is trying to exit.

Knowband also offers Scratch Coupon module, a strategy to capture email leads, which you can use to draw visitors’ attention and develop curiosity inside them.

3. Include Intriguing CTAs on your Blog Posts

Another efficacious way to grow email list is by adding intriguing CTAs to your blog posts.

For whatever purpose the CTA is designed for, whether is a PDF download link or a link to the lead magnet, make sure it is relevant to the content.

For example, if I have prepared a guide to reduce cart abandonment and I am showing the CTA related to it on a blog post that discusses social media, it would not make any sense.

However, if that CTA is attached to a blog related to cart abandonment, it would show effective results as it matches with the content. CTAs work well if they go with the content flow. That way, you do not interrupt the reader’s flow.

Some other useful tips for a performing CTA would be to make it short and catchy. It should evoke interest in the users immediately, and drive them to make an extra push.

4, Ask Visitors to Subscribe to your Newsletters

Newsletter subscription is still considered helpful in building your email list.

At the end of your blog posts, you can ask readers to subscribe to your newsletters and get updates on the latest contents, offers or any important information.

You can also ask for it via a popup but it should not appear instantly. Give some time to the readers to go through your content and then ask for their permission.

A successful mantra to collecting email addresses for newsletters is to write quality and evergreen content. It is the only thing that decides the interest of the users towards receiving newsletters.

The more quality you have in your content, the more people will be inclined towards your business.

5. Build Email List through Social Media

You simply cannot overlook social media if you want to build your email list. It is a platform that can increase your email subscriber’s list rapidly.

To acquire more email leads, choose the platform that suits your niche. For example, Facebook and Instagram can be ideal for B2C businesses whereas B2B businesses would pay more focus on LinkedIn and Twitter.

So what would be the ideal way to collect email addresses?

Add the sign-up button on your Facebook Business page, host contests and giveaways, provide freebies that require users to enter their email address and promote the same lead magnet on your social media pages.

Most of your future subscribers are waiting there to be a part of your email list. If you are not using it, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to multiply your subscribers count.

Related: 6 Must-Have Social Media Addons for Your PrestaShop store

6. Ask for Feedback

It is important to know what people think about your Brand. Their opinions could make an impact in your business’ success.

When visitors are about to leave your website, introduce a popup that asks them for their feedback. Ask them if they have any suggestion, complaint or any comment that they want to make so that you could improve.

Make them feel that their opinion matters a lot to you and you would be obliged to receive their remark. The feedback form should have the option of name, email address and comment, that’s it.

The Bottom Line

There are tons of other ways to build and grow your email list apart from these 6 major techniques, some of which are-

Adding testimonials to your website- This builds a visitor’s trust on your brand and they are more likely to get connected to you.

Using Gated content- This restricts the full content view and displays only a small chunk. Users need to enter their email address to get full access.

You can also try using lightbox and sidebar popups, add a floating bar or place an offer strip on the header or footer.

Look out for these strategies to build your email list and see your subscribers count climb up. Just a piece of advice- once you add them to your list, make sure that you do not spam them. You do not want them to hit the unsubscribe button, right?

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