Review Incentive - Shopify
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Review Incentive - Shopify

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Shopify Review Incentive

The eCommerce companies have an edge over the brick and mortar store in many aspects. However, the factor in which they lag behind is the fact that the online shoppers don’t get the look and feel of the products that they opt to buy. When it comes to shopping online the trust factor is missing. Moreover, the first-time shoppers may not even recognize your brand. The product reviews and the customer testimonial are one of the ways to bridges this gap. The products with reviews are observed to have a conversion of over 70%.

With this in mind, Knowband offers an easy to attract reviews from the customers. The Shopify Review Incentive App lures the customers to leave their website testimonial. With the help of the app, the admin can send emails asking them to send their reviews. In return, you can offer the incentives. Providing a win-win situation for both the store owners and the customers, it ensures at par online experience.



  • Asking the store visitors to give their feedback may be difficult at times. The Shopify app makes the task easier. The incentive system motivates them to give their feedback.
  • The features of the app are easy to understand and deploy. This allows the admin to manage it even without any technical knowledge.
  • The reviews can either be posted automatically or manually. In case of manual posting, the admin can approve or disapprove it.
  • The discounts being offered in return for the review in a fixed amount or percentage.
  • The coupon code, amount and validity period can be set from the back-end of the admin interface.
  • In addition, the interface offers an easy means for the email settings. Even the contents of the email can be edited and modified at a button link.
  • The app comes with a number of email templates to choose from. Thus, the e-marketers can structure the entire campaign in a matter of moment.
  • The admin gets an option to schedule the emails. Thus, it can be sent at the perfect time.
  • The admin can keep an eye on the reviews received for the various products from the back-end.
  • This makes it easier for the e-merchants to track the product reviews of the site in one go.


Benefits for Merchants:

  • Offers an easy way to attract more and more reviews from the existing customers.
  • The reviews and testimonials can help you build the much-needed trust with the new customers. At the same time, it aids the purchase decision of the visitors.
  • Shopify review in return of incentive app provides a compelling reason to the customers to return back to the store.
  • The offers and discounts can motivate them to shop at the store. Thus, getting you some easy conversions.
  • In addition, the admin can regulate the reviews being published. He can approve or disapprove the feedback received.


Benefits for Customers:

  • The app allows the customers to share their feedback about the product or the services of the eCommerce store.
  • The alluring offers in return help you shop within the budget.

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