Filter Pro - Magento 2 ® Extensions
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Filter Pro - Magento 2 ® Extensions

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  • 95.60€
  • 76.48€

Compatibilidad: Magento v2.0.0 - v2.3.4
Ultima versión: v1.0.0
Actualizaciones disponibles por 1 año Ventas: 0
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Magento 2 Filter Pro

Magento 2 Filter Pro plugin has ensured the quick accessibility and searching of the products on a Magento store through the help of various search attributes like color, size, brand, price and so on. It is now easier to search your desired product without any hassle due to the presence of this Magento extension. Users can find the Magento navigation filter on the upper left column on Catalog and search results for facilitating the faster product searching on your eCommerce store. All these product searching filters are created automatically and can be easily modified based on your specified search parameters for providing a quick access to the desired product on your website. 

Further, with this plugin, store admin can easily control all the settings, functionalities and layout of their store without any hassle.

Example - This plugin allows quick addition of thumbnails for a category tree or fold the long list of options.

Features -

Speed Up products search - Due to the presence of AJAX based navigation, there are no more page reloads for customers and they can see required products much quicker than that standard navigation process. 

Enable customers to narrow down their search - You can change the ranges for your various search attributes like weight, price, size and other such parameters with the help of customizable numeric filter that is implemented on your website. 

Control filter displaying - The Magento 2 Filter Pro extension makes it easier for store admin to select the type and position of the filter options that needs to be displayed on the website. They have the full control and authority to hide or display the various attributes of the product categories and to implement the necessary configuration for showcasing the search attributes on the "Catalog" or any other search result page.         

Ability to sort the attribute value - This Magento extension can be easily customized from the backend. Its flexible module settings allow store admin to make quick and desired changes on the look and functionality of the filters for fulfilling various requirements as per your store design and product categories.

Multi store compatible - Store admin can now easily create multiple stores out of a single interface due to the multi- store capability feature of this plugin.     

Knowband, a pioneering name in the field of eCommerce is a plugin development company that provides Magento plugin development services to optimize the functionality and performance of your eCommerce stores. For providing Magento plugin development, we have hired experienced Magento developers who work with full dedication to offer Magento development and support services. 

If there is a feature you want on your Magento site, chances are that a Magento plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you are always free to contact us for any required plugin customization.

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