Product Designer/Customizer - OpenCart Extensions
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Product Designer/Customizer - OpenCart Extensions

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  • 37.58€
  • 30.07€

Compatibilité: Opencart v2.2.0 - v4.x.x
Dernière version: v1.0.5 (12-June-2024)
Mises à jour disponibles pour 1 an Ventes: 5000+
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Opencart Product Designer/Customizer Module

With the increasing trends of eCommerce, customers are expecting customized products at your store. In order to serve them a personalized store experience, site merchants must turn their conventional shopping store into a dynamic store. The better user experiences the better the conversion rate will be. Knowband’s Opencart Product Designer/Customizer extension provides a means to your customers to design and preview products before placing a final order at your store. Get Product Customizer for your Opencart eStore now.

Features of Opencart Product Customization Module

  • The advanced product customizer module embeds a product design panel at your eCommerce website and builds up a unique customer experience at your store.
  • This Product personalization extension offers a responsive method to design variety in products available online.
  • Opencart custom product designer extension shows pre-defined design ideas for different products at your store.
  • The advanced product customizer module offers various tools to design text and images printed over the product.
  • You can enable or disable the design panel added using Opencart Product Designer/Customizer from the back-office. On disabling the module, standard product customization options are shown.
  • With the Opencart product customization module, you can fix the number of product sides available for customization to users.
  • This Advanced product customizer module shows a Customize button on the product page for the items which are customizable.
  • The opencart product designer module calculates and displays the pricing for the customization done for the selected product.
  • You can set the desired cost for every design element (whether a text, image or QR code).
  • You can enable the designer Opencart product customization module for specific products at your store.
  • Opencart Product customizer extension allows your customer to save product customization including custom texts, fonts, colors, images, filters, and QR code.
  • You can create and display unlimited fonts, colors and image groups on the product customization page.
  • Customers can choose any image from the pre-defined image groups or they can upload any image of their choice from the system.
  • Opencart Custom Product Design module allows you to specify pricing for different customization options.
  • Opencart product customization module allows you to set a Complete Design Fixed Price which is added to the final customized price for a product.
  • Customers can even print QR code over the product which is based on some text or website link. You can set a different cost for this code.
  • Opencart Extended Product Customization module supports all browsers and mobile devices.
  • Opencart product designer module is multi-lingual and multi-store compatible.

Admin Benefits of Opencart Product Designer Module

  • Opencart Product customizer extension is an effective means to serve the evolving demands of the customers.
  • Opencart Product Designer/Customizer offers a personalized shopping experience which ultimately improves customer loyalty towards the store.
  • Opencart product customization module helps to serve the individual needs of the customers and thereby boosts site conversions.
  • By delivering creative and personalized orders to your clients, you can improve the chances of engaging them back with the store.
  • Customized product orders gained using Opencart Custom Product Design module helps to understand customer requirements easily.

Advanced Product Customizer Module Benefits to Customers

  • Customers can unleash their creativity using the various product designing features of Opencart Product customizer extension.
  • Customers can upload their personalized image and text to shop for a unique product.
  • Less time consuming and requires zero efforts to apply product customizations through the Opencart product designer module.
  • Opencart Extended Product Customization module integrates a mobile-friendly product customization panel at your store which works on all mobile devices.
  • Opencart Product Designer/Customizer provides a preview to customizations and pricing on the same page.


Knowband, a leading name as an eCommerce development company provides Opencart module development services to enhance the functionality of your eCommerce stores. For providing Opencart plugin development, we have hired experienced Opencart developers who work with full dedication to offer Opencart development and support services. 

If there is a feature you want on your Opencart site, chances are that an Opencart plugin will allow you to do it, if you don't find any such plugin you can always contact us for your custom plugin development requirements

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