Knowband Blog | Ecommerce Modules

Stay Tuned: The Enhanced Knowband’s OpenCart Mobile App Builder v3.0.8 Coming Soon!

In the fast-paced world of digital commerce, staying ahead means continuously enhancing the functionality and user experience of your mobile applications. Ensuring the fact, that the latest upgrades to the OpenCart Mobile App Builder Plugin are designed to do just that. We are going to offer exciting new features that help businesses optimize their online presence. This blog post explores these new functionalities and their impact on your business’s mobile commerce strategy.

Automated Banner Sliders: Dynamic Visual Engagement

The new automated banner sliders in the OpenCart Mobile App Builder allow for the scheduling of rotating banners directly from the module backend. This feature is a significant enhancement for businesses looking to automate and optimize their mobile app visuals for promotions and announcements.
Moreover, in the upcoming module update, we are going to provide an option to the admin to enter the time for the automated banner sliders. This will ensure the seamless synchronization between the backend and the mobile apps.

Key Benefits:

Seamless Login/Sign-Up: Enhancing User Onboarding

Capturing the customers’ email addresses is one of the most important aspects for eCommerce businesses. These emails can not only be used for marketing campaigns but also to increase the customer database. Thus, enhancing user experience, the OpenCart eCommerce Mobile App will feature a login/sign-up pop-up for non-logged-in users. Furthermore, this addition streamlines the transition from guest browsing to active customer engagement, potentially boosting conversion rates and enhancing customer retention.

Key Benefits:

Notifications Feature: Keep Your Customers Engaged

The introduction of the notification features in the OpenCart Android and iOS Mobile App Builder Plugin represents a strategic tool for maintaining customer engagement. Furthermore, this functionality allows businesses to send personalized updates and offers, keeping users connected and informed.

Therefore, customers can also check all the previous notifications with clicks right in their mobile app.

Key Benefits:

CMS Pages and Layouts: Streamlined Content Management

The latest update enriches the OpenCart iOS App Maker by integrating CMS pages and layout as new redirect activities. This enhancement improves content management capabilities, allowing for better structured and more navigable app interfaces.

Key Benefits:


The upcoming enhancements to the Mobile App Builder Plugin for OpenCart significantly improve both the aesthetic appeal and functionality of your mobile eCommerce platform.
Thus, by upgrading, businesses not only enhance the user experience but also bolster engagement and sales conversions. Consider these advancements in the OpenCart Android and iOS Mobile App Creator Plugin to maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic marketplace of today.

Moreover, if you have any queries/suggestions regarding upcoming Opencart Mobile app builder enhancements, you can also reach out to our support team at our email address