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OpenCart Age Verification Extension- User Manual

1.0 Introduction

There are so many sites in which the store admin offers products, services, and content related to adults. For these sites, the admin needs to validate customers age and restrict the immature audience. In order to protect underage visitors and keep the products, content, and services only for the adults, OpenCart Age Verification extension is the best extension for your eCommerce store.

Knowband offers OpenCart Age Verification popup which allows the store admin to show age verification popup on the website front-end interface to allow only the visitors above a certain age and restrict the immature visitors to access the website. The store admin can set the eye-catchy themes on the age verification popup with the Age Verify OpenCart module.

By using this Age Verification OpenCart extension, the store admin can add a filter on the basis of customers age. Admin doesn’t need to change even a single line of code in the core files of the website for showing the OpenCart Age Verification popup.

1.1 Basic Features of this OpenCart Age Verification extension

  1. By using OpenCart Age Verification module, the online store admin can validate the age of store visitors to ensure that the services and products are delivering to the right group of people.
  2. OpenCart 18+ Verification plugin shows a drop-down list for selecting the date of birth.
  3. Admin can show a small note to the customers for validating their date of birth from the back office of OpenCart Verification popup.
  4. The store admin can set the logo for showing on the Popup 18+ OpenCart.
  5. Admin can enter the URL for redirecting the customers when the user closes the OpenCart Age Verification popup.
  6. Age Verify OpenCart module provides an option to enter terms and conditions for age validation.
  7. The online users can also view the age verification terms and conditions from the admin interface.
  8. Age Verification OpenCart extension is multi-lingual compatible.
  9. The store admin can set the title and description of the OpenCart Age Verification popup.
  10. Admin can also set the geo location where he wants to show the age verification popup from the admin panel Age Verify OpenCart module.

2.0 Installation of OpenCart Age Verification extension

First of all, buy the Age Verification OpenCart extension from the website(

After purchasing the module, you will receive these files on your registered email.

For installing this OpenCart 18+ Verification plugin, you have to follow the below mentioned steps:

1. Unzip the received zip file. You will get the folders as shown in the following image:

2. Copy all the folders of the zip file in the Root Directory of OpenCart setup via the FTP manager.

So, OpenCart Verification popup is now successfully installed and ready to use at your store.

Now go to the admin menu and click on the extensions and thereby click on the configure button next to Popup 18+ OpenCart.

3.0 User Manual of OpenCart Age Verification extension

The User Manual will guide the store admin to apply the back-end settings of this OpenCart Age Verification extension. The admin can manage the look and feel and maintain the general settings after reading this user manual.

4.0 Admin Interface of OpenCart Age Verification extension

There are “General Settings tab” and “Look and Feel Settings tab”. The store admin can apply the settings and showcase the OpenCart Age Verification popup on the website front-end interface.

4.1 General Setting Tab

In the general Setting tab of Age Verify OpenCart module, the store admin can apply the age verification settings. Here, the store owner can set the OpenCart Age Verification popup related settings.

1. Enable the Age Verify OpenCart module: Select Enable or Disable option in order to activate or deactivate the settings. The Age Verification OpenCart extension can be activated or deactivated easily without any complications.

2. Display the DOB Field: Enable the option to show the Date of birth field on the website front-end interface. The OpenCart Age Verification module allows showing age verification popup even without the DOB field.

3. Pop-up Title: Set the title of the OpenCart Age Verification popup. Admin can set the title in multiple languages like English and French. The OpenCart 18+ Verification plugin is multi-lingual compatible.

4. Popup Description: Here, the store owner can set the OpenCart Verification popup in multiple languages.

5. Form Title: Admin can fix the form title here. This text will be shown on the top of the date of the birth popup.

6. Redirect URL: Admin can enter the URL where he/she wants from the back office of Popup 18+ OpenCart to redirect the customers when the user closes the age verification popup.

7. Allowed Age: Admin can set the minimum age to access the website. This way, the admin can restrict the user below this age group with OpenCart Age Verification extension.

8. Popup Display Interval: Admin can set the displayed interval of the OpenCart Age Verification popup to be shown to the same person from the admin interface of Age Verify OpenCart module.

9. Enter the terms and conditions: The store admin can enter the terms and conditions from the admin interface of Age Verification OpenCart extension. The customer can view the terms and conditions by clicking on it.

10. GEO Location: Admin can also select the geolocation for showing the age verification popup via Age Verification OpenCart extension.

11. World Wide: Admin can show the OpenCart Age Verification popup for all the customers in every location.

12. Display on Selected Areas Only: You can also select the countries in which you want to show the OpenCart Age Verification popup.

13. Do Not Display on Selected Areas: Admin can also select the countries in which he doesn’t want to show the OpenCart Age Verification popup.

4.2 Look and Feel Setting Tab of OpenCart Age Verification extension

In this tab, the online merchant can apply the settings to manage the look and feel of the OpenCart Age Verification extension.

 These are the customization options for OpenCart 18+ Verification plugin:  

1. Theme: The store admin can select the theme from the available list. There are five themes available for OpenCart Age Verification popup.

2. Upload Logo: The store admin can upload a logo from the admin interface of OpenCart 18+ Verification plugin.

3. Select the theme to See the preview: The store admin can also preview the selected theme from the admin interface of Age Verify OpenCart module.

4. Preview of the theme: The online store merchant can view the theme from the admin interface of Age Verification OpenCart extension.

5.0 Front-end Interface of OpenCart Age Verification extension

After applying all the settings from the admin interface of this OpenCart Age Verification module, the online store admin can show the age verification popup on the website front-end.

The online users are restricted to enter their date of birth for age verification by OpenCart 18+ Verification plugin. The age verification popup looks like the below-mentioned image:

The customers can view the terms and conditions for OpenCart Age Verification popup by clicking on the terms and conditions link. Customers can select the date of birth by selecting from the drop-down list.

If the customers close the popup, they will redirect to the URL specified by the store admin in Popup 18+ OpenCart back-end.

This way the customers can access the website after sharing the date of birth details.

Admin can also disable the date of the birth field from the OpenCart Age Verification extension admin interface.

This way, by using Age Verify OpenCart module, the online store merchant can validate the user’s age and allow access to the eligible website visitors. The Age Verification OpenCart extension makes the implementation much easier for the store admin. The admin doesn’t need any technical help for showing OpenCart Age Verification popup on the website.

Here is the Product Video:

Click Here for the Admin Demo.

Click Here for the Front End Demo.

For more information in detail, you can contact us via email at