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Magento 2 Scratch coupon – User Manual

1.0 Introduction

Magento 2 Scratch coupon extension by Knowband allows the store admin to display a scratch coupon block on the front-end of the website. The e-merchant can make the process of offering discount fun, so that, even a small discount amount is appreciated by the store visitors with the help of Magento2 scratch coupon extension. This email subscription popup plugin is highly customizable, user-friendly and mobile responsive also. The store admin can apply this unique functionality without any complex process. There is no need to change even a single line of code for implementation.

The Magento 2 extension displays a scratch coupon block on the eCommerce site. The store visitors can scratch the same and avail the discount by entering their personal detail. In addition to this, the Magento 2 subscription popup module can increase the customer base of the site. Thus Magento 2 subscription module helps the eCommerce store admin to subscribe the store visitors easily without any hassle. The store visitors can enjoy the discount and the e-merchant can get the email subscribers without any extra efforts.

1.1 Features offered by Magento2 Scratch Coupon Extension:

2.0 Installation

The steps to install the Magento 2 Scratch Coupon Module are mentioned below:

1.Purchase the Magento 2 Scratch coupon extension from the Knowband store and download the extension package.

2.You’ll receive a zipped file containing the user manual and the source code of Magento 2 Scratch Coupon Integration plugin. Unzip the package.

3.Create a folder {Magento root}/app/code/Knowband/Scratchcoupon

4.Upload the extracted content in the above folder via FTP manager (like Filezilla or WinSCP – download here:

5.Now run below commands to install the plugin:
php -f bin/magento module:enable –clear-static-content Knowband_ Scratchcoupon
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
php -f bin/magento setup:di:compile
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

6.The extension is now installed and ready for use. In Admin Panel go to “Knowband Extensions > Scratch Coupon”.

You can now configure and use the Magento 2 Scratch Coupon extension.

3.0 Admin Interface

The admin interface of Magento 2 interactive popup allows the merchants to display a playful scratch coupon on the front-end of the site. The admin can easily customize the interface from the back-end of the Magento 2 Scratch coupon. Magento 2 extension offers 4 tabs. They are mentioned below:

Let us discuss the various customization options are discussed in detail.

3.1 General Settings

The General settings of Magento 2 Scratch coupon block module offers configuration settings. The various fields in this tab is discussed below.

Enable the Extension: Toggle the button to enable the Magento 2 responsive discount popup module. If enabled, the scratch coupon will be displayed as shown in the image below:

Coupon Expire: Enter the number of days after which the discount coupon code will expire.

Coupon Code Length: Enter the length or the character limit for the coupon code to be displayed on the scratch coupon block.

Dash Every X Characters: Enter the number of characters after which you want to put a dash in the coupon code.

Scratch Box Display Interval: Enter the display interval of the scratch box. If the admin enters ‘X’ days, then, the next scratch block will be displayed after X days.

Show Scratch Box On: Select the web page of the site from the drop-down menu where you want to display the scratch coupon interface.

Exceptional Category IDs: Enter the category ID that you want to exclude. The customers will not be allowed to use the discount coupon on the selected categories.

Exceptional Product IDs: Enter the product ID that you want to exclude from the scratch coupon. The customers will not be allowed to avail the discount on the selected products.

Discount Type: Select the discount type that you want to offer to the customers. The admin can following discount type:

Fix Discount: Select this option and enter the fixed discount amount. The customers will be offered the specified discount amount while shopping.

Fix Percentage: Enter the percentage discount amount.

Percentage Range: Enter the desired range of percentage discount. The store visitors may get any discount amount in between the specified range.

Stop Further Discount: If enabled, the customers will not be allowed to avail any further discount on their cart other than the discount amount offered by the scratch coupon.

Allow Free Shipping: Enable this button to allow free shipping to the customers.

3.2 Display Setting

This section of Magento2 scratch coupon extension allows the admin to control and change the look and feel of the front-end UI.

The various customization options offered by this tab of the Magento 2 Subscription popup extension are discussed below:

Background Color3.2 Display Setting

Select the background color of the scratch coupon interface from the color chart.

Text Color

Select the color of the fonts to be displayed on the website from the color chart.


The color refers to the color of the scratch coupon block. Select the same from the color chart. The selected colors will be displayed in the front-end as shown in the image below:

Main Title

Main title refers to the text that will be displayed at the top of the scratch coupon block.

Email Title: Enter the text to be displayed corresponding to the email address textbox.

Name Title: Enter the text to be displayed corresponding to the customer’s name textbox.

Scratch Box Title: Enter the text that you want to display as scratch box title. The entered text will be displayed in the front-end.

Form Heading: Enter the heading of the form that will be displayed after the coupon is scratched.

Sub-form Heading: Enter the sub-heading of the form that will be displayed after the coupon is scratched.

Button Text: Enter the text to be displayed on the button.

Success Message: Enter the message that you want to display after the customers successfully gets a discount coupon.

3.3 Email Settings

The Magento 2 email subscription extension is an easy way to boost the subscriber base of the eCommerce site. The admin can send the coupon code via email. This tab of the Magento 2 Scratch coupon plugin allows the admin to customize the email settings with ease.

Email Subject: Enter the subject line of the email as per your wish.

Email Content: Enter the content of the email that will be send to the customers.

Test Email: Enter an email ID in order to test email before it is send to the customers.

Send Email to Admin: Enable if you want to send the email to the store admin.

3.4 Statistics

The Magento 2 scratch coupon module offers a complete statistical report of the coupons generated and used by the store visitors. The store admin can view 4 type of statistic report.

Discount Statistics: It refers to number of times the coupons of different discount types were generated.

Generated Vs Used: It represents a statistical report of the coupons generated and used.

Coupon Used within Days: It offers a complete report of the coupons that were used for placing the order within specified days.

Coupon Status: The admin can check the coupon status, that is, whether it’s used or unused from this tab of Magento 2 scratch coupon extension.

4.0 Store Front-end

If the Magento 2 scratch coupon subscription pop is enabled, the block will be displayed as shown in the image below:

The store visitor can scratch the coupon by moving their mouse on the same.

The store visitors will be required to enter their name and email address in order to get the coupon code. Once the process is complete, a success message will be displayed.

They can use the coupon code received via email at the checkout page and get the offered discount as shown in the image below:

So this way the store admin can easily attract the customers, improve their store experience and also gain more profit. The Magento 2 email subscription module is capable to subscribe the store visitors also. With the help of this Magento 2 email subscription pop-up plugin the store admin can get the email id of the customers which can be used for email marketing.

For more details about this Magento 2 module please visit:

Knowband Magento 2 Scratch coupon module link:

Knowband Magento 2 scratch card extension admin demo link:

Knowband Magento 2 subscription module front demo link:

Please contact us at for any query or custom change request as per your business requirement.