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PrestaShop Voice Search and Typing

“Incorporate a voice search block in the search bar of your website with PrestaShop Voice Search and Typing addon. The PrestaShop Voice Recognition system adds a microphone in your search box, using which your visitors and customers can perform a voice search.”

PrestaShop Voice Search makes use of voice recognition technology. It catches the user’s voice and presents the results matching the voice command.

Features of PrestaShop Voice Search and Typing module

1. PrestaShop Voice Search addon lets you enable the voice search functionality on the search bar. It places a microphone beside the magnifying glass.

2. PrestaShop Voice Recognition system lets you enable the voice search functionality on the registration form. New visitors can make a successful registration just by giving the voice commands.

You can select the fields for which you want to provide the voice search option, for example, first name, last name, etc.

3. PrestaShop Voice Search and Typing addon lets you enable the voice search functionality on the customer’s personal information tab. Customers can make adjustments to their information by giving the voice input.

You can specify the fields for which you want to provide the voice search option.

4. PrestaShop Voice Recognition lets you enable the voice search functionality on the Guest Checkout form. You can select the fields for which you want to provide the voice search option.

This makes it even quicker for guest users to checkout.

5. PrestaShop Voice Search lets you enable the voice search functionality on the Address form. You can specify the fields for which you want to provide the voice search option.

6. The addon lets you enable the voice search functionality on the Contact Us form.

7. This PrestaShop module lets you enable the voice search functionality on mobile, tablets and desktops.

8. Visitors/Customers can give a voice command even without clicking on the microphone. For this to function, they need to enable the “voice type on focus” option.

Benefits of PrestaShop Voice Search and Typing

1. PrestaShop Voice Search and Auto Typing addon enhances the online shopping experience of your customers.

2. The module provides easy search functionality and improves the search experience.

3. PrestaShop Voice Recognition addon is time-saving. It minimizes the effort required to make a search or fill the information.

4. No need to type. Just give a voice command and the text will be typed automatically.

5. The module nearly follows a hands-free approach and delivers results quickly.

6. PrestaShop Voice Search enhances the user experience.

7. The addon ensures a quick checkout.

Check out the PrestaShop Voice Search and Typing addon today.