Knowband Blog | Ecommerce Modules

How to delete products from the Newegg marketplace

Objective of the blog

This blog helps us to learn how a seller can delete its products from the Newegg marketplace.

Methods to delete Products from the Newegg marketplace

You can delete products from the Newegg marketplace by using seller account

Delete manually from seller account

1. Open the Newegg seller portal (URL-

2. Fill the credentials (User Name and Password) and click on the Login button.

3. After logging in you have to select the “Item List” from the “Manage Items” section as shown in the image below:

4. In the Item list page, you will need to click on the Search button after entering the SKU in the search box as shown in the image below.

5. On clicking the search button, the searched SKU list will be appeared where you need to follow the following steps to delete the products.

I.Check the checkbox of the products.

II.Select the “Delete Selected Item” option from the drop-down (located at the lower of the page) and click on the OK button to delete the selected product as shown in the below image:

6. On clicking the OK button, a popup will be displayed on the screen for the confirmation and you will need to click on the OK button of the popup to delete the selected products as shown in the image below:



This blog helps you (seller) to delete your products from the Newegg marketplace.