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Die faszinierende Geschichte der Moskauer Obsthändler: “Fruit Online“.

Der Start eines E-Commerce-basierten Online-Geschäfts erfordert Träume mit Hingabe. In der heutigen Zeit finden über 50 % aller Einkäufe online statt. Es gibt Tausende von erfolgreichen Beispielen von Anbietern, die ihr Geschäft mit Eifer und harter Arbeit online gestartet haben. Viele von ihnen sind heute an der Spitze ihrer Branche.

In this story, we’re going to talk about one of the colossal online fruit companies, Fruit Online. The company is based in Moscow and has been trading the best fruit and vegetable categories since 2013.

In the early stages of the business, Fruit Online was recognized as a hyper-local company in the limited areas of Moscow. The brand has invested every ounce of hard work to set a landmark example in the fruit and vegetable market. Likewise, it didn’t take long for Fruit Online to spread its wings and become the most popular e-commerce store for fruit and other vegetable categories in the Moscow region. ,was

About Fruit Online

Obst online launched its e-commerce business in 2013. In a very short space of time, the brand was able to attract a large number of dried fruit, fruit and vegetable importers. Fruit Online’s headquarters are located in two large areas, Moscow and the region. For the past decade, the Fruit Online Moscow team has promised the best quality dried fruit, vegetables and other edible healthy product categories and enjoys a respected brand image among Moscow shoppers.

Fruit Online serves not only the business-to-customer market, but also the business-to-business market. One of the facts that differentiates Fruit Online from the other competitors is that the brand assures customers of quality. In every delivery process, the product has to go through numerous quality assurance processes just to ensure its authenticity and freshness.

In addition, the Fruit Online team uses the most advanced food storage technologies such as drying chambers, freezers and climate chambers to guarantee the quality of the products.

Fruit online app for mobile devices

Fruit Online also offers a personalized e-commerce store and mobile apps for valuable customers. Developed with Knowband Mobile App Builder, Fruit Online Mobile App offers a variety of richly loaded features. In addition, the mobile app ensures the best user experience for both Android and iOS app users.

T The Fruit Online team offers a variety of exciting offers designed specifically for mobile app users to enhance business relationships. Additionally, customers can get their favorite groceries within minutes using the fastest shipping methods offered by the Fruit Online mobile app.

E-Commerce-Shop von Fruit Online

Ebenso können die Kunden der Mobile App auch aus verschiedenen gesunden Esswaren-Kategorien im personalisierten Fruit Online-Shop bestellen. Der Greengrocery Shop bietet verschiedene gesunde Ernährungsprodukte wie Nüsse, Trockenfrüchte, Beeren, hoffrisches Gemüse und eine Vielzahl von Greengrocery-Kategorien.

Der Shop ist nicht nur für Kunden geöffnet, sondern auch Großhändler können Bestellungen aufgeben, um ihre Produkte zum bestmöglichen Preis zu erhalten.

Mit der zunehmenden Popularität des Online-Shoppings bietet Fruit Online Ihnen hochwertiges Obst und Gemüse zu wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen, die schnell an Kunden in Moskau und Religion geliefert werden.

Fruit Online Mobile App-Entwicklungsreise

Nachdem der Fruit Online Shop auf OpenCart entwickelt wurde, Knowband OpenCart Mobile App Builder kümmerte sich um jeden Aspekt, von der App-Erstellung bis hin zur Veröffentlichung der mobilen Fruit Online-Apps für Android und iOS in den App-Stores

In der App-Entwicklung ist die Wissensband Das Qualitätssicherungsteam hat mit angemessenem Engagement und harter Arbeit sein Bestes für das Team von Fruit Online gegeben. Darüber hinaus hat Knowband die Fruit Online Mobile Apps mit verschiedenen nützlichen Anpassungen angereichert, um Fruit Online die beruhigendste Benutzererfahrung zu bieten Benutzer der mobilen App.

In the End

Dreams of starting a business are always fueled by successful business stories like Fruit Online. Due to its well-established reputation in the Moscow region, both the customers and the family businesses prefer Fresh Greengroceries over the other suppliers.